Simone Sulpizio

Cognitive Neuroscience of Language


Neurocognitive mechanisms of  word processing

The interplay between language processing and social and emotional factors



Spinelli, G., & Sulpizio, S. (accepted). Is adaptation involved in bilingual language production? A fresh look at the assumptions motivating potential bilingual-monolingual differences in adaptive control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Scaltritti, M., Spinelli, G., & Sulpizio, S. (2024).  Semantic Stroop Interference Is Modulated by the Availability of Executive Resources: Insights from Delta-Plot Analyses and Cognitive Load Manipulation. Memory & Cognition.

Sulpizio, S., Günther, F., Badan, L., Basclain, B., Brysbaert, M., Chan, Y. L.,..., & Marelli, M. (accepted). Taboo language across the globe: A multi-lab study. Behavior Research Methods

Sulpizio, S., Scaltritti, M., & Spinelli, G. (2024). Fast habituation to semantic interference generated by taboo connotation in reading aloud. Cognition & Emotion.