Professional experience

2022 - present Brno Lab of Intergroup Processes, Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences 

2019 - 2024 Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava

Research projects

2024 - 2028 Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing  - DigiWELL (Operational Programme Jan Amos Comenius CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583)

2024 - 2026 Usage of Reaction Time for an Unbiased Estimate of Prejudice: A Novel Approach to Measurement and Modeling (Czech Science Foundation GA24-11974S)

2024 - 2025 Inclusive CEE: Challenges and Ukraine Refugee Integration (Visegrad #22330013)

2015 - 2019 INTERMIN Interventions for Reducing Prejudice against Stigmatized Minorities: Developing measures and experimental testing of the contact hypothesis under field conditions (APVV-14-0531)

2015 - 2017 Imagined contact as a tool for prejudice reduction? Testing the method in Slovak context (VEGA 2/0079/15)


2015 – 2019 Slovak Academy of Sciences – Institute for Research in Social Comunication / University of Trnava Faculty of education

2010 – 2015 Comenius university, Bratislava Faculty of social and economic sciences

International research and study visits

2019 Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

2016 – 2017 Department of Education and Human Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

2014 – 2015 Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland

Professional activities 

2024 - present Member of the Board on Cultural and Ethnic Diversity, European Federation of Psychological Associations 

Volunteer experience 

2018 2021 Science Slam SAV (Bratislava)

2017 2020 Mladí vedci SAV (Bratislava)

2016 – 2018 Asociace pomáhající lidem s autismem APLA-JM (Brno)

2012 – 2016 Mládež ulice (Bratislava)