Email : simonjubert [at]

Click here to see my CV

I was a  PhD student at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and  at the Université de Toulouse III (UT3) in the framework of a Candian-French sandwich program under the co-supervision of Vestislav Apostolov (UQAM) and Eveline Legendre (UT3).  I defended my PhD thesis entiled "Yau--Tian--Donaldson correspondence on a class of toric fibrations" at UQAM the 21 of June 2023. Since september 2023, and until september 2025, I am a post-doctorant at IMJ-PRG in Sorbonne Université. My referent professor is Eleonora Di Nezza.



My research interest lie in Kähler geometry and global analysis with application to toric geometry. In my PhD thesis, I studed the existence of extremal Kähler metric (in the sens of Calabi) in a given Kähler class on a certain type of fibrations.  Currently, i am interested to existence of weighted cscK metrics, that is a large class of Kähler metric satisfyng special curvature conditions.

The list of my publicaton is here

The list of my pre-print is here

Talks at research seminars, reading seminars and working groups



Previously, I have taught 

