Journal articles


Prifti, E.; Daidone, S.; Davis, B. “Heterogeneous impacts of cash transfers on farm profitability. Evidence from a randomized study in Lesotho’, European Review of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming.

Prifti, E.; Daidone, S.; Pace, N.; Davis, B. “Stuck exchange: Can cash transfers push smallholders out of autarky?”, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, forthcoming.

Sebastian, A.; Daidone, S.; de la O Campos, A.P.; Davis, B.; Pace, N.; Niang, O.; Pellerano, L. “Cash Transfers and Gender Differentials in Child Schooling and Labor: Evidence from the Lesotho Child Grants Programme”, Population Development Review, forthcoming.


Prifti, E.; Daidone, S.; Pace, N.; Davis, B. 2019. “Unconditional cash transfers, risk attitudes and modern inputs demand”, Applied Econometrics, 53: 100-118.

Daidone, S.; Davis, B.; Handa, S.; Winters, P. 2019. “The household and individual-level productive impacts of cash transfer programs in Sub-Saharan Africa”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, aay113.

Prifti, E.; Daidone, S.; Estruch, E. & Davis, B. 2019. “How much is too much? Does the size of income support transfers affect labor supply?”, Journal of Policy Modeling , 41(1): 179-196.

Prifti, E.; Daidone, S. & Davis, B. 2019. “Causal pathways of the productive impacts of cash transfers: Experimental evidence from Lesotho”, World Development, 115: 258-268.

Pace, N.; Daidone, S.; Davis, B. & Pellerano, L. 2019. “Shaping cash transfer impacts through soft-conditions: evidence from Lesotho”, Journal of African Economies, 28(1): 39-69.


Handa, S.; Daidone, S.; Peterman, A.; Davis, B.; Pereyra, A.; Palermo, T. & Yablonski, J. 2018. “Myth-busting? Confronting Six Common Perceptions about Unconditional Cash Transfers as a Poverty Reduction Strategy in Africa ”, World Bank Research Observer, 32(1): 259-298.

Prifti, E.; Estruch, E.; Daidone, S. & Davis, B. 2018. “How differences in cash transfer sizes affect work allocation decisions: Evidence from cross country comparison in sub-Saharan Africa?”, Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 32(3): 395-426.


Pace, N.; Daidone, S.; Davis, B.; Handa, S.; Knowles, M. & Pickmans, R. 2017. “One Plus One can be Greater than Two: Evaluating Synergies of Development Programmes in Malawi”, The Journal of Development Studies , 54(11): 2023-2060.

Daidone, S.; Davis, B. ; Dewbre, J. ; Miguelez, B. ; Niang, O. & Pellerano, L. 2017. “Linking agriculture and social protection for food security: The case of Lesotho”, Global Food Security, 12: 146-154.

Prifti, E.; Estruch, E.; Daidone, S.; Davis, B.; Handa, S.; Seidenfeld, D.; van Ufford, P.; Tembo, G. & Michelo, S. 2017. “Learning about labor impacts of Cash Transfers in Zambia”, Journal of African Economies, 26(4): 433-442.

Prifti, E.; Daidone, S. & Miguelez, B. 2017. “Impact of food prices increases on consumer welfare in Lesotho”, African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 12(1): 52-61.


Tiwari, S.; Daidone, S.; Prifti, E.; Ruvalcaba, M.A.; Davis, B.; Handa, S.; Seidenfeld, D.; van Ufford, P.; Pellerano, L. & Niang, O. 2016. “Impact of cash transfer programs on food security and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-country analysis”, Global Food Security, 11: 72-83.


Castelli, A.; Daidone, S.; Jacobs, R.; Kasteridis, P. & Street, A. 2015. “The Determinants of Costs and Length of Stay for Hip Fracture Patient”, PLoS ONE, 10(7).

Daidone, S.; Pellerano, L.; Handa, S. & Davis, B. 2015. “Is Graduation from Social Safety Nets Possible? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa”, IDS Bulletin, 46-2, Institute of Development Studies.


Street, A.; Gutacker, N.; Bojke, C.; Devlin N. & Daidone, S. 2014. “Variations in outcome and costs among NHS providers for common surgical procedures: econometric analyses of routinely collected data.”, Health Services and Delivery Research, 2-1, National Institute for Health Research.


Belotti, F.; Daidone, S.; Atella, V. & Ilardi, G. 2013. “Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata”, Stata Journal, 13-4:719-758.

Daidone, S. & Street, A. 2013. “How much should be paid for specialised treatment?”, Social Science and Medicine, 84:110-118.

Gutacker, N.; Bojke, C.; Daidone, S.; Devlin, N. & Street, A. 2013. “Hospital variation in patient-reported outcomes at the level of EQ-5D dimensions - Evidence from England”, Medical Decision Making, 33-6:804-818.

Gutacker, N.; Bojke, C.; Daidone, S.; Devlin, N.; Parkin, D. & Street, A. 2013. “Truly Inefficient or Providing Better Quality of Care? Analysing the Relationship Between Risk-Adjusted Hospital Costs and Patients’ Health Outcomes”, Health Economics, 22-8:931-947.

Anríquez, G.; Daidone, S. & Mane, E. 2013, “Rising Food Prices and Undernourishment: a Cross-Country Inquiry”, Food Policy, 38:190-202.


Anríquez, G. & Daidone, S. 2010. “Farm and Non-Farm Linkages at the Household Level in Rural Ghana. A Consistent Stochastic Distance Function Approach”,Agricultural Economics, 41:51-66.


Daidone, S. & D’Amico, F. 2009. “Technical Efficiency, Specialization and Ownership Form: Evidences From a Pooling of Italian Hospitals”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 32: 203.