Chapters in edited books

Daidone, S.; Winder Rossi, N. Véras Soares, F. 2018. “Synergies between Social Protection and Agriculture”, in Boosting growth to end hunger by 2025: The role of social protection, edited by: Wouterse, F.S. & Taffesse, A.S., ch. 2: 5-15. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Pellerano, L., Daidone, S., Davis, B.; Farooq, M.; Homayoun, M.; Kardan, A.; Masasa, M.; Niang, O.; Ramirez, B. & Safi, N. 2016. “Does Evidence Matter? Role of the evaluation of the Child Grants Programme in the consolidation of the social protection sector in Lesotho”, in From Evidence to Action: The Story of Cash Transfers and Impact Evaluations in Sub-Saharan Africa, edited by: B. Davis, S. Handa, N. Hypher, N. Winder Rossi, P. Winters and J. Yablonski, Oxford University Press.

Atella, V., Cincotti, F. & Daidone, S. 2010. “Spesa sanitaria pubblica ed effetti sulle famiglie” in Il sistema sanitario in controluce. Rapporto 2009, edited by Fondazione Farmafactoring, Franco Angeli, Milano.