Yahoo! Widgets

Yahoo! Widgets started out as Konfabulator, a Macintosh shareware application written by Arlo Rose. Konfabulator allowed mini desktop applications to be constructed using html and css, often sourcing their content from the internet. Yahoo! purchased Konfabulator and rechristened it Yahoo! Widget Engine, allowing cross-platform "Widgets" to be developed for both Windows and MacOS X. Though end-of-lifed on computers in the face of competition from Microsoft, Apple, and Google who were each developing their own platform specific solutions, the technology lives on in modern smart TVs.

All Yahoo! Widgets listed were developed by Brendan Bellina. 

Widgets require the Yahoo! Widget Engine software to be running and may rely on internet resources that are no longer available. The Yahoo! Widget Software is not supported but should be compatible with Windows XP, Windows 8, and Mac OS X versions up to 10.10.

An emulator of the Merlin handheld game with additional games and unique enhancements.
