
The Macintosh computer popularized the computer desktop GUI - Graphic User Interface and WIMP - Windows, Icons, Mouse, and Pull-down Menus. The Mac introduced to the world the 3.5" disk, the mouse, and launched the desktop publishing revolution.

Software was developed for classic MacOS 9 and versions of Mac OS X / macOS up to and including 10.13.

Software for the Apple Macintosh Computer by Silverwand Software

All software authored by Brendan Bellina. Click here to go to the Silverwand Software Macintosh folder in Google Drive.

Zip and Disk Copy 6 images should be compatible for use on the emulators at

MacMerlin v1.01 is a HyperCard stack that emulates the Merlin handheld toy. Authentic sounds.

The Doctor Is In is a HyperCard stack that implements a talking version of the classic BASIC version of ELIZA originally written by Jeff Shrager. For more information on ELIZA go to 

Notable is a HyperCard stack that allows the creation of a network of notes that can be linked to each other, other cards, other stacks, applications, and documents using hypertext. Inspired by the Medley NoteCards application.

HC Button Field Probe  is a HyperCard stack that is an aid for moving stacks between the IIGS and Mac HyperCard platforms.

HyperBattleship is a HyperCard stack released by Apple with System 7. This version has modifications by Brendan Bellina to allow it to work properly with MacOS 9.

MacBalloon Maker v1.1 is a HyperCard that adds buttons and fields to a stack to provide Balloon Help. This is done through icons, buttons, and fields rather than an XCMD or XFCN.

Before MacOS Themes there was Kaleidoscope. Corwin of Amber is a Kaleidoscope theme in black and silver inspired by Roger Zelazny's Amber novels.

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Apple's Screensaver v1.0 for System 7, released Nov 1991. Captured at 640x480 resolution.

Apple's Screensaver v1.0 for System 7, released Nov 1991. Captures at 1024x768 resolution.

