Notes and Slides


  • A note on the detailed proof of the characterization theorem for quasiaffine functions (vectorially ext. quasiaffine) in the context of the calculus of variations for several differential forms.

  • A short proof of the Gaffney inequality for vector fields with vanishing normal part on the boundary in dimension 3 for simply connected smooth bounded domains using only scalar elliptic regularity. I do not think that the proof is new. Is there a similar proof for the case of vanishing tangential part?


  • A talk on approximation of weak G-bundles in high dimensions, presented at Geometry and Topology Seminar, IISc Bangalore, Bengaluru, India, March 2020.

  • A talk on topology of weak G-bundles in critical dimension, presented at 4th Swiss-Japanese PDE Seminar, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, September 2019.

  • A talk on interior continuity estimates for quasilinear systems of differential forms, presented in Oxford, February 2019.

  • A talk on boundary regularity theory for a second order linear elliptic system of differential forms with vanishing tangential and normal part. The work generalises the classical regularity theory for the Hodge Laplacian to more general class of second order linear systems. When I first started thinking about this problem, I thought this must be a result known long ago. To my surprise, it was not.