2024年4月25日(木) April 25, 2024 (Thu.) 17:20-18:50

報告者/Presenter: 吉田雅裕/Masahiro Yoshida (早稲田大学/Waseda University )

Title: Immigration, Robots and the American Life 

場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg. No.2 Meeting Room B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

幹事/Organizer:髙橋雅生/Masaki Takahashi      



Foreign labor represents a growing fraction of risky occupations that appear to be close substitutes of industrial robots. I investigate how dependency on immigrants interacted with robot adoption shaped a workplace injury risk in high-hazard sectors. Associating a wave of unskilled immigrants and workplace injuries across U.S. industries during 1992-2019, I find that immigrant workers substantially replaced native fatalities by crowding out natives out of risky jobs. Associated with cross-industry investment of industrial robots, I also find that robot installation dramatically reduced injury risk, but the aggregate nationwide risk remains unabated from poor investments to riskier labor-intensive sectors (e.g. agriculture and construction). Then, I test a hypothesis that immigration inflow impeded the automation and preserved an injury risk for remaining laborers, including natives. Over-dependency on foreign labor may preserve the risky technology generating a social cost (e.g., disabilities; usage of opioids). 

2024年5月17日(金) May 17, 2024 (Fri.) 17:20-18:50

報告者/Presenter: 矢ヶ崎将之/Masayuki Yagasaki (東北大学/Tohoku University )

Title: CEO Gender Bias in the Formation of Firm-to-Firm Transactions

場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg. No.2 Meeting Room B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

幹事/Organizer:長谷部拓也/Takuya Hasebe



While female CEOs are under-represented, the barriers they face in the business environment remain poorly understood. This study investigates the influence of gender bias in forming CEOs' business networks. Using transaction data of 1 million Japanese firms, we find that CEOs of the same gender significantly trade more than those of the opposite gender, mostly driven by small- and medium-sized firms in which CEOs presumably have a strong involvement in transactions. As most CEOs are male, such same-gender bias reduces the trading opportunities for females relative to male CEOs. Regarding mechanisms, our survey reveals both the existence of barriers that impede male CEOs from becoming acquainted with female CEOs and the tendency for male CEOs to prefer interacting with male CEOs over female CEOs. 

2024年6月13日(木) June 13, 2024 (Thu.) 17:20-18:50

報告者/Presenter: 佐藤豪竜/Koryu Sato (慶応義塾大学/Keio University) 

Title: Heterogeneous Treatment Effect of Retirement on Cognitive Function 

場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg. No.2 Meeting Room B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

幹事/Organizer:長谷部拓也/Takuya Hasebe



This study used instrumental variable causal forests to explore the heterogeneous treatment effect of retirement on cognitive function using data from 19 countries. We found that, on average, retirees have better cognitive function than workers and that the conditional average treatment effects vary depending on individuals’ characteristics. Policymakers should provide early retirement options in the pension system to allow individuals to decide when to retire. The balance between the social benefits of raising the state pension age and the individual costs of increasing the risk of dementia by delaying retirement should be considered. 

2024年7月12日() July 12, 2024 (Fri.) 17:20-18:50

報告者/Presenter: 二荒 麟 /Rin Futara (University of Maryland)  

Title: The Entry Effect of Utilities in the Electric Vehicle Charger Market    

場所:2号館11階経済学部会議室B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg. No.2 Meeting Room B & ZOOM (HyFlex)

幹事/Organizer:長谷部拓也/Takuya Hasebe



Many governments and states subsidize investments in Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) to address concerns about insufficient Electric Vehicle (EV) charger infrastructure. Additionally, in several states in the US, public utility commissions have mandated electricity utilities to install utility-owned EVSEs. While this command-and-control policy can provide benefits such as reliable installation plans, it may also lead to crowding-out effects on private investments. This research aims to evaluate the impact of utilities' entries into the EVSE market on market outcomes. The study focuses on Maryland, where five electricity utilities were ordered to implement utility-owned EVSEs. Initial reduced-form analysis indicates that the provision of utility-owned EVSEs decreases the number of third-party EVSE entries. I plan further analysis including additional reduced-form analyses under various market definitions and a structural analysis.