
20171215日() December 15, 2018 17:00-18:30

報告者:高久玲音 (一般財団法人医療経済研究・社会保険福祉協会 医療経済研究機構) Reo Takaku (Institute for Health Economics and Policy)

Title: Detecting Waste in Health Care via Hospital Sorting

Abstract: In Japan, reimbursement for outpatient care in hospitals sharply decreases for those with more than 200 beds, generating a significant sorting of hospitals around the threshold of 200 beds: hospitals with large revenue from outpatient care are likely to constrain the number of beds just below 200 while hospitals with high inpatient revenue increase the number of beds over 200. This institutional setting provides us a valuable opportunity to identify the causal effects of inpatient spending on health outcomes, because whether emergency patients with acute condition are treated by hospitals with 199 or 200 beds is near random. The data used in this study cover the universe of hospitals in Japan and 160,000 emergency patients from 2002 to 2014. Using rich nationally representative data and observing hospital sorting generated by the financial incentive in outpatient care, I firstly show inpatient spending sharply increases by 33 percent at the threshold of 200 beds. Since the Japanese reimbursement system rewards hospitals with high nurse staff levels, patient-to-nurse ratio also exhibits a sharp reduction at this threshold by 20 percent. Despite the sizable increase in the hospital spending and higher nurse staff levels, I find no improvement in in-hospital mortality. In addition, there is no discernible improvement of patient satisfaction with hospital care. After all, I find no association between hospital spending and patient outcomes, which implies a large amount of wasteful expenditure in Japanese hospitals.


Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg.No.2 Meeting Room B

幹事/Organizer:長谷部拓也/Takuya Hasebe


2018216日() February 16, 2018 17:00-18:30

報告者:Nicola D. Coniglio (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Title: Global interactions and the gender gap in employment: evidence from Vietnam

Abstract: In this paper we investigate the role of firms with global ties – MNEs, foreign firms in Global Value Chains (GVC) and exporters – in shaping the gender gap in employment opportunities in Vietnam for both skilled and unskilled workers. Our analysis shows that foreign firms contribute in boosting employment opportunities in the formal sector for unskilled female workers. This employment generation effect is stronger for firms operating within GVC. Although foreign firms, and in particular exporters, pay lower average wages to unskilled workers – both male and female - we find evidence that they significantly contribute in narrowing the gender wage gap. The presence of foreign firms has limited effects on gender gaps in employment for skilled workers. Finally, we show that the negative gaps in wages are entirely due to differences in productivities between female and male workers. Not only we reject the hypothesis of discrimination but we find evidence (for unskilled workers) of sizable wage subsidies.


Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg.No.2 Meeting Room B

幹事/Organizer:蓬田守弘/Morihiro Yomogida


2018227日() February 27, 2018 13:00-19:40

The 2nd Sophia Research Workshop in Economics


  • Yu Ri Kim (Waseda University)

  • Takuya Hasebe (Sophia University)

  • Kazushi Takahashi (Sophia University)

  • Masashige Hamano (Waseda University)

  • Kaname Miyagishima (Aoyama Gakuin University)

  • Kohei Kamaga (Sophia University)

  • Stéphane Zuber (CNRS, University Paris 1, and Paris School of Economics)



Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg.No.2 Meeting Room B


2018313日() March 13, 2018 10:00-15:10

NIES and Sophia Workshop on the Management of Tropical Watershed in Tropical and in Japan and Australia


  • Jon Brodie (James Cook University)

  • Hiroya Yamano (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

  • Kiyoshi Satake (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

  • Azusa Okagawa (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

  • Tetsuya Horie (Sophia University)

  • Katsuhito Nohara (Hokusei Gakuen University)



Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg.No.2 Meeting Room B


2018315日() March 15, 2018 10:00-17:00

Sophia Workshop on the Environment and Trade


  • Corbett Grainger (University of Wisconsin)

  • Kimberly Burnett (University ofHawai'i)

  • Yasushi Kawabata (Nagoya City University)

  • Morihiro Yomogida (Sophia University)

  • Eric Bond (Vanderbilt University)



Venue: 11th Floor, Bldg.No.2 Meeting Room B
