SIHS Seminar Series
SIHSセミナーは、上智大学・人間の安全保障研究所 (SIHS) が主催するオープンな学術セミナーです。学内・学外を問わず、興味のある研究者・院生・学生の方はお気軽にご参加ください。
The SIHS Seminar series is hosted by Sophia Institute for Human Security (SIHS). Our academic seminar series is open to anyone who is interested; all researchers, graduate students, and undergrad students are welcome. Feel free to participate if you are interested.
上智大学・人間の安全保障研究所/Sophia Institute for Human Security
The Sophia Institute for Human Security (SIHS) was established in 2017 as a research institute of Sophia University that plays the role of promoting the Sophia University Branding Project for Formation of an International Center of Excellence in the Realization of Human Security; this branding project was selected by the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a Private University Research Branding Project in 2017. Even after the completion of the three-year branding project, the SIHS is continuing its research activities. The SIHS considers poverty, environment, health care, immigrants and refugees, and peace building as the five important human security issues for the international society. To solve these issues by designing effective policies and institutions by means of social science research methods, the SIHS aims to become an international center of excellence for the realization of human security through academic research.