
Special Interest Group on Dance

SIGDance is a Japanese domestic study group for those interested in dance, founded in November, 2018.


Researchers, Engineers and others who are interested in dance.

Dancers and Other Performers who are interested in technology.

Dance Genre

    • Our group mainly focuses on street dance, but one can also feel free to participate in this group if one is interested in contemporary dance, ballet dance, and other body performances.


Creating a place to exchange information about state of the art dance research and developments.


    • Fellow researchers and engineers
      • We provide an opportunity to increase the number of dance-related researchers and engineers across disciplines.
      • We look forward to the cross-disciplinary collaboration.
    • Fellow dancers
      • SIGDance aims to be a place where dancers and performers who are interested in technology can gather.
      • In order for researchers and engineers to get a dancer's point of view, we will hold dance events for beginners, stage experimental dance events for user tests and collect data.
    • Knowledge
      • We aim to create an environment where we can obtain comprehensive information about dance.
      • We hope that discussions with dance experts will improve research and services.
      • We aim to create an environment that makes it easier for students, interested in dance and technology, to join the research and development field.


Annual networking events

    • Introduction of own activities

Bimonthly study sessions

    • Introduction of technical papers
    • Product Introduction
    • Performance Introduction
    • Workshop

Dance events

    • Trial Dance Lesson
    • Trial Dance Club
    • Dance Workshop

Communication Tool

    • Dissemination of information such as study sessions

    • Dance-related information sharing (papers, products, etc.)
    • Anyone can view
    • Anyone can edit (Application required)


11/12/2018 (Tue) 18:15 - 21:30


The University of Tokyo (Hongo campus)


    • Presentation
      • 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions
      • Self-introduction, Projects introduction, etc.
    • Discussion
    • Free Talk



Social Gathering

We have no plan, but you can talk with attendees at the lounge outside the room after all the sessions.


Please join the following event page if you wish to participate.