Research & Education Grants

PI (with co-PIs Yanlai Chen and Gaurav Khanna) on AFOSR grant FA9550-23-1-0037 "Mixed precision and mixed model numerical methods that are computationally and energy efficientDecember 15, 2022 – November 14, 2025 for $392,064.

Co-PI with Scott Field (PI) and Gaurav Khanna (co-PI) on NSF grant on DMS-2309609  "Developing High Order Stable and Efficient Methods for Long Time Simulations of Gravitational Waveforms" July 15, 2023 -- June 30, 2026 for $349,101.

Co-PI with Andrew Christlieb (PI) and Luis Chacon (co-director)  on DE-SC0023164 "Center for Hierarchical and Robust Modeling of Non- Equilibrium Transport (CHaRMNET)" September 1, 2022 -- August 31, 2027 for a total of $15M (Subaward RC114586 - UMD for $725,000).
The other team members are Yingda Cheng, Huan Lei and Brian O’Shea from MSU; David Bortz and Stephen Becker from the University of Colorado-Boulder; Jingmei Qiu at the University of Delaware; Jingwei Hu from the University of Washington; Joshua Burby and Qi Tang from Los Alamos National Laboratory; Youngsoo Choi, Terry Haut, Jeffrey Hittinger, Lee Ricketson and Paul Tranquilli from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Cory Hauck from Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and John Jakeman and Timothy Wildey from Sandia National Laboratories.

Co-PI with Yanlai Chen (PI), on NSF grant NSF-DMS-2208277  "Reduced Basis Enhancements of Neural Networks and Their Application to Quantum Materials Simulation" August 1, 2022 -- July 31, 2025 for $ 296,555.

Co-PI with Alfa Heryudono (PI), and Yanlai Chen and Gaurav Khanna (co-PIs) on "Computational Strategies for Scientific Data-Driven Learning for Marine and UnderSea Technology Applications" supported by UMass Dartmouth’s Marine and Undersea Technology (MUST) Research Program funded by the Office of Naval Research N00014-20-1-2849, project number S3132000049160, September 17, 2020 -- September 16, 2023 for $308,682. 

Co-PI with Yanlai Chen (PI), and  Gaurav Khanna, Pauline Entin, Shakhnoza Kayumov (co-PIs) on NSF grant DUE-2030552  “Implementation of a Contextualized Computing Pedagogy in STEM Core Courses and Its Impact on Undergraduate Student Academic Success, Retention, and Graduation” September 1, 2020– August 31, 2025 for $650,000.

Co-PI with Scott Field (PI) and Gaurav Khanna (co-PI) on NSF grant DMS-1912716  “High Order Numerical Methods for Gravitational Wave Computations” July 1, 2019– June 30, 2022 for $275,000.

PI on AFOSR grant FA9550-18-1-0383 “Efficient Strong Stability Time Discretizations and Robust Automated Splitting for Time Evolution of Problems with Multiple Time-Scales” August 1, 2018 – November 30, 2021 for $299,997.

Co-PI with Yanlai Chen on NSF grant DMS-1719698 “Rigorous Development of an Efficient Reduced Collocation Approach for High-Dimensional Parametric Partial Differential Equations” August 1, 2017– July 31, 2020 for $158,494.

PI on AFOSR grant FA9550-15-1-0235 “High Order Strong Stability Time Discretiza- tions Beyond the Method-of-Lines Framework” July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018 for $271,299.

PI on AFOSR grant FA9550-12-1-0224 “Tailoring High Order Time Discretizations for use with spatial discretizations of hyperbolic PDEs” May 1, 2012 – April 30, 2015 for $248,636.

PI on King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Award No. FIC/2010/05, “Positive Numerical Solutions of ODEs.” October 2010-October 2013, for a total of $202,362.34.

PI on AFOSR grant FA9550-09-1-0208 “High Order Strong Stability Preserving Time Discretizations for the Time Evolution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations.” March 2009-December 2011, for a total of $148,187.

PI on NSF grant DMS- 0802974 “RUI: CSUMS: Research in Scientific Computing in Undergraduate Education (RESCUE).” September 2008-August 2013 for a total of $788,985 .

Co-PI with Jae-Hun Jung on NSF grant DMS-0608844 “RUI: Adaptive High Order Methods for Solution of PDEs.” August 2006 - July 2010 for a total of $197,713.

PI on AFOSR grant FA9550-0610255 “Implicit High Order Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta Time Discretizations.” March 2006-December 2008, for a total of $98,005.

PI on NSF grant DMS-0106743 “Development of Numerical Methods for Semiconductor Device Simulation and Electron Microscopy.” August 2001- August 2003 for a total of $50,000.