SIETAR Japan Online Conference 2020

Reimagining the Intercultural Landscape in Times of Adversity


November 7th & 8th, 2020

WELCOME! ようこそ!

We are delighted to have you join our 35th annual conference, which is the first to be held online.

2020 has already proven to be a year of incredible pain, with the worldwide death toll from Covid-19 reaching over a half million people and continuing to grow, and heartbreak, at the racial injustice, hatred and violence that continues without recognition of our shared humanity. It is unimaginable to go back to the world we accepted as normal just a few short months ago.

And so we begin to reimagine our world, and the Intercultural Landscape that SIETAR Japan is a part of. This year's annual conference will be an opportunity for timely dialogue and commitment to the future, with the theme of Reimagining the Intercultural Landscape in Times of Adversity.

We have planned two days of interactive virtual events, headlined by two keynote webinars. Our invited speakers will lead us in an exploration of what it means to be an interculturalist in these times of immense change and opportunity. How can we have a real impact and shape our future?

See the keynote speakers below.





Keynote Sessions

Coaching Across Cultures : Unleashing the Power of Cultural Diversity in Individuals, Teams and Organizations


Saturday, November 7


Philippe Rosinski



Principle, Rosinski & Company


Multicultural Symbiotic Society and its Impact on Language Educators

Sunday, November 8

13:00 - 14:30

Dr. Suzuko Nishihara



Director, NPO Research Institute for Japanese Language Education

Saturday, November 7 17:00 - 18:30

Philippe Rosinski

Principle, Rosinski & Company

Philippe’s integrated approach for leadership development and coaching leverages multiple perspectives, enabling greater creativity, impact, fulfillment and meaning.

Since 1999, he is the principal of Rosinski & Company, a consultancy based in Belgium with partners across the globe, which helps leaders, teams and organizations unleash their human potential to achieve sustainable high performance.

His innovative approach of bringing the crucial intercultural dimension to coaching in his book Coaching Across Cultures has won him worldwide acclaim. His book Global Coaching (published in five languages) has been described as “having moved the art and science of coaching to a new level”.

Since 2008, Philippe is a professor in the MBA program for global managers at the Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business in Tokyo, Japan. He intervenes in other academic institutions including HEC Paris and the University of Cambridge.



ヨーロッパ初の国際コーチング連盟マスター認定コーチ(ICF MCC)。コーチング分野で、国を超えたアプローチ法を開発した先駆者。エグゼクティブコーチング、チームコーチング、グローバルリーダーシップ開発の分野において、世界中の優良企業を顧客に持つ。


代表作「コーチング・アクロス・カルチャーズ」はハーバード・ビジネススクールでビジネスリーダーシップ部門の推奨本として紹介されている。本書の他に「Global Coaching」、また共著書は「Evidence Based Coaching Handbook」,「Excellence in Coaching」、「Mastering Executive Coaching」など多数ある。現在ブリュッセル在住。母国語であるフランス語に加え、英語、オランダ語を話す。

Sunday, November 8 13:00 - 14:30

Dr. Suzuko Nishihara

Director, NPO Research Institute for Japanese Language Education

Suzuko Nishihara is director of NPO Institute for Japanese Language Education. Previously she served as Executive Director of The Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute, Urawa. Among others, Nishihara is a director of Hakuho Foundation, and a councilor of Support 21, Social Welfare Foundation.

Nishihara has published extensively on Japanese language education, She received a special recognition for her professional achievement from the Director General of The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan..

She obtained her M.A. and PH.D. in linguistics from the University of Michigan.





Coaching Across Cultures : Unleashing the Power of Cultural Diversity in Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Philippe Rosinski フィリップ・ロジンスキー氏

During this keynote session, we will use the Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) assessment. The COF assessment facilitates the understanding of salient cultural characteristics for individuals, teams and organizations. It is designed to help people make the most of their cultural differences. By registering, you will have the opportunity to take the COF and generate your personal COF.

セッション内では文化的志向性の枠組み(Cultural Orientation Framework, COF)アセスメントを使用します「COFアセスメント」は、個人、チーム、組織の文化的特徴の理解を促します。最終的には、皆さんが文化の差異を最大限に活用し、創造性、効率性、統合性を高めていくことを目的としています。

With Graphic Recording by Keisuke Taketani

Keisuke Taketani

Keisuke is a graphic facilitator and coach with expertise in leadership, sustainability, and innovation. Visit his website here.

Through visualization methods, Keisuke helps organizations, teams, and individuals unpack complex issues, create solutions, and learn from both past and future.

His graphic facilitation and coaching style uses three platforms: systems thinking, solution-focus approach, and intercultural competence. He graduated with a Master’s Degree in Communication for Development from the University of Malmo, Sweden

Before becoming a freelance in 2013, Keisuke worked for sustainability and change management at UNICEF, UN, and Asian Development Bank.

He was a fellow at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication SIIC) and is a SIETAR Japan member.


グラフィックファシリテーター・ソリューションフォーカス認定コーチ。専門はビジュアルをツールとしたリーダーシップとイノベーション。国連職員として中米・カリブ海諸国、ベトナムで勤務した後、アジア開発銀行のマニラ本部でコミュニケーション官として勤務。2013年よりフリーランスとして国際機関、多国籍企業、政府機関などにデザインとファシリテーションを提供。スウェーデンマルメ大学開発コミュニケーション修士取得。Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication (SIIC) フェロー。


Multicultural Symbiotic Society and its Impact on Language Educators

西原鈴子氏 Dr. Suzuko Nishihara


The Japanese government has recently decided to open up its labor market to overseas workers in view of the envisaged population decline. The project presupposes the society to integrate the incoming population to form a multi-cultural society in its true sense. This speech intends to investigate what and how the language education and communication professional should involve themselves in order to support the trend.