Conference Program


Conference Proceedings 発表の抄録

In addition to the full 2-day schedule of live webinars and workshops, attendees are able to access the conference proceedings online. This year the proceedings provide extended abstracts of individual SIETAR Japan members' research presentations.

Paid attendees will be able to submit questions and interact with each presenter/presenting team asynchronously after payment is confirmed.


2日間のオンラインによる講演とワークショップに加え、大会参加者はオンライン上の大会抄録を閲覧できます。SIETAR Japanの会員による研究発表の要旨は、今年度は例年より充実した内容になっています。


Click here to view a pdf of the SIETAR 2020 Conference Proceedings

Keynote Speeches

See Welcome Page for complete details. 詳しい内容はWelcome Pageに記載されています。


KEYNOTE: Philippe Rosinski 5pm-7pm JST

With graphic recording by Keisuke Taketani.

Followed by an online networking party. Join us for some informal fun!


午後5時から7時 JST


グラフィックファシリテーター 武谷圭祐





午後1時から2時半 JST


Conference at a Glance

Scroll down for detailed introductions of each event. プログラムの詳細は下記をご参照ください。

11 月 7 日 土曜日 Saturday, November 7

11 月 8 日 日曜日 Sunday, November 8

Program Details (11月7日土曜日 Saturday, November 7)

8:30-8:50 JST Welcome!

Welcome by SIETAR Japan President Makiko Deguchi

Conference Orientation by Diane Walsh Sasaki

9:00 - 10:40 JST Track 1


Multi-sensory Approaches to Integral Intercultural Communication

*樋口 容視子 1、*八代 京子 2、*山本 薫 3、*磯崎 京子 4 (1.アイデアマラソン研究所、2.麗澤大学、3.慶応義塾大学、4.NPO法人ベルダレルネーヨ)心を通わせる五感と“語感”のコ ミュニケーションMusIIC (Multi-sensory Approaches to Integral Intercultural Communication) は、ホリスティックな異文化コミュニケーションスキルの探求を目的に2003年に発足したシータージャパンのSIG(課題別研究分科会)です。多元感覚機能と感性を統合的な異文化研究へのアプローチに用いるための研究会を続けています。このワークショップはオンラインで行いますが、五感を使う一連のアクティビィティを試みます。キーワードは、心の絆であり、相手を「受け入れる」ことです。それは広い意味での承認欲求が満たされることですが、そのベースには人間への深い理解が伴います。
Max: 20 people/20人まで SIG PDF -S2

9:00 - 10:40 JST Track 2

異文化コミュニケーション教育の横展開 『英語教育』リレー連載「英語教師のための 異文化理解ワークショップ」をもとに

小坂 貴志 (神田外語大学)、出口 朋美 (.近畿大学)、大久保 正美 (中央学院大学)、海谷 千波, (杏林大学)、髙橋 真由美 (深川高校)

Takashi Kosaka (Kanda University of International Studies), Tomomi Deguchi (Kindai University), Masami Okubo (Chuo Gakuin University), Chinami Kaiya (Kyorin University), Mayumi Takahashi (Fukagawa High School)
Max: 30 people /30人まで Workshop PDF - W15

9:00 - 10:40 JST Track 3

How Energy Can Lead Interculturalists Towards Deeper Impact Globally

Yuko Deneuville

Founder and Intercultural Transition Coach at YD Coaching. SIETAR Florida Immediate Past President

Are you interested in discovering Core Energy Coaching, which will help you not only in your everyday life but also to make more impact in your professional life. Yuko Deneuville will guide you in English and Japanese.
As interculturalists, we all know how to support our clients adjusting to a new environment or working in a multicultural environment through cross-cultural knowledge. On top of that, how about also educating them about how they perceive the world in general, detect unconscious bias and see how their resilience is affected in a stressful situation like a global move or managing team members from diverse cultures? Clarity is key and once we are aware what unconscious behaviors and assumptions we have about other cultures and ourselves, we are ready to approach any new culture with an open mind, heart and curiosity. In this session, Participants will be able to learn about and experiment the seven different energy “levels” to describe the types of energy a person experiences and expresses. They will be able to see how it applies to themselves through interactive exercises, in order to see the benefits to their clients and the impact it has on adapting to a new culture.
Workshop PDF - W17

10:45 - 12:20 JST Track 1

Co-Creative Dialogue SIG

自分のビジョンを明確にしよう -DSD メソッドを用いたアクテ ィブラーニングで-」本ワークショップの目的は、「参加者が描画と語りにより表明する自らの将来のビジョンを、聴き手とのダイアローグを通してより鮮明に捉え、ビジョンの実現に資するヒントを発見することを手助けする」ことである。ZOOMのブレイクアウト機能を使用し参加者を幾つかのグループに分け、13人のCCDメンバーもグループに入り、ファシリテーターとして、ワークショップの参加者と作業をともに行い、アクティブラーニングを促す。
Use your imagination and share your happiest moments to clarify your vision. ⦿参加者は、自らの将来の最も楽しい時・場所(将来の自分の姿=ビジョン)をイメージし、それを自由に絵で表現(暗喩、或いは連想による)。その絵をもとに物語を作り、語る
*日下 啓 1、*八代 京子 2、*勝又 恵理子 3、*日下 倫子 4、*深山 敏郎 5、*浅井 亜紀子 6、*磯崎 京子 7、*岐部 慶子 8、*樋口 容視子 9、*山下 美樹 10、*山本 薫 11、*前川 志津 12、*鈴木 有香 13 (1.アトムアンドカンパニー1、2.麗澤大学、3.青山学院大学、4.アトムアンドカンパニー2、5.ミヤマコンサルティンググループ、6.桜美林大学1、7.NPO法人ベルダレルネーヨ(ネパリ・バザーロ)監事、8.桜美林大学2、9.アイディアマラソン研究所、10.麗澤大学学校教育研究科・国際学部、11.慶応大学、12.桜美林大学3、13.異文化教育コンサルタント)
Akira Kusaka /atomm and company, Kyoko Yashiro /Reitaku University, Akiko Asai /Oberlin University, Kyoko Isozaki /Verda Lernejo, Eriko Katsumata /Aoyama Gakuin Unversity, Keiko Kibe /Oberlin University, Tomoko TJ Kusaka /atomm and company, Yoshiko Higuchi /Idea Marathon Institute, Toshiro Miyama /Miyama Consulting Group, Miki Yamashita /Retitaku University, Kaoru Yamamoto /Keio University, Shizu Maekawa /Oberlin University, Yuka Suzuki /Intercultural Education Consultant
★ オンライン・ワークショップ参加要件:① オンラインでの作業可能となるPC環境の設定 (ZOOM機能の利用)② 描画用具の準備(A4用紙+クレパスorクレヨンor 色鉛筆 or マーカー)  スクリーンでの発表を考慮し、濃い色の筆記用具、できればスケッチブックを用意
Max: 30 people /30人まで SIG PDF - S1

10:45 - 12:20 JST Track 2

Embodied Intercultural Learning at Home from Theory to Practice

Joseph Shaules

Japan Intercultural Institute / Keio University

At a time when international exchange is limited, and learners have little interaction with other students, intercultural educators face the challenge of providing meaningful intercultural content to learners isolated at home. With this in mind, this workshop will present intercultural activities intended for learners who are in their home cultural environment and who may never have been abroad.
The focus will be on joining theory and practice, and will include both a learning model and sample activities.
Workshop PDF - W10

10:45 - 12:20 JST Track 3

Examining the Role of Humor Competence in Intercultural Communication

John Rucynski and Caleb Prichard

Okayama University

John Rucynski and Caleb Prichard have given presentations about the role of humor competency in language acquisition at conferences in Japan and internationally. They recently edited the volume Bridging the Humor Barrier: Humor Competency Training in English Language Teaching.
This workshop will offer a lively balance between research and practice. The workshop leaders will summarize their humor competency training research projects on forms of humor such as satirical news and verbal irony. Participants will also be invited to share their experiences and ideas regarding the intersection between humor competency, language acquisition, and intercultural awareness.
Workshop PDF - W9

12:20 - 13:30 JST Track 4 Brown Bag Discussion Rooms

Join a discussion table and enjoy your lunch with colleagues

  • Break out room 1 (Eng/英)
LGBT Issues in Education, Matthew Kocourek
  • Break out room 2 (Eng/英
Integration of Vietnamese Students in Japanese Society, Daniel Lilley/Margaret Kim
  • Break out room 3 (Bilingual/英、日
Talking about Controversial Issues in the Classroom/授業における賛否両論の問題 , Elisabeth Williams
  • Break out room 4 (Bilingual /英、日
Challenges for Kurdish Asylum Seekers in Japan, Vakkas Colak

13:35 - 15:45 JST Track 1

13:35 - 14:45

Poster Session and Virtual Gallery Walk



Poster Session PDF

13:35 - 15:15 JST Track 3

Refugee and Migrant Crisis: Can Video Games Be of Any Help?

Dr. Elena Shliakhovchuk

Independent Researcher Pracademic by education, interculturalist by passion, authorpreneur by results
Can video games challenge the existing mindset? Can videogames help to understand “others” and “strangers" better? Can video games be an awareness raiser and an agent of social change? “Video games and refugees”, this might sound like an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. Yet, people who enjoy playing video games find it appropriate to learn about serious social and political topics by means of the same favourite medium.
During this webinar, I will give you answers on these and other questions you might have about video games and their educational potential for our field. I will share some proven-to-be-effective titles that you could start using immediately in your teaching practice. You will leave the session full of handy tips on how to teach with video games based on my authored EPIC model for effective video game integration in the classroom. Bonus! My books Video Games as a Teaching Tool  Vol.1 and Vol.2 will be available for the free download to the participants of this workshop.
Workshop PDF - W6

13:35 - 15:15 JST Track 2

Culture vs Personality – What Really Matters in Project Management Success?

Monica Guzek and Alicia Kuciel

Poznan University of Economics and Business / Capgemini

The aim of the workshop is to investigate the notion that cultural and personality differences (combined together) impact on the international project teams.
Through self-assessment and self-reflections, we will examine, assuming culture and personality having an impact, how project managers can respond to diversity in the teams. The workshop seeks to clarify which competencies are thought best suited to lead multicultural international project teams through a boost of self-awareness.
Workshop PDF - W13

15:50 - 16:40 JST Track 1

Reimagining Teaching: Considering How to Teach Sensitive or Controversial Topics Online

Claire Hardy

Division of Health Research, Faculty of Health and Medicine Lancaster University, UK

A workshop exploring the challenges and possible solutions to teaching online when the subject matter is sensitive or controversial.
Max: 20/20人まで Workshop PDF - W4

15:50 - 16:40 JST Track 2

How to Teach American and British Values with Interactive Games

Lucy Fogarty

Founder and CEO of Culture Buff Games

As an intercultural trainer she was inspired to create interactive games that leverage visual culture scenarios to teach country-specific cultural values.
In this workshop intercultural trainers will learn how to facilitate interactive games that leverage visual culture scenarios to teach British and American cultural values to foreigners. Our games emphasize learner driven problem solving and practical application of cultural knowledge, increasing learner engagement in virtual training. Play our interactive games in breakout rooms and see first-hand the power of visual culture scenarios to boost awareness about different English-speaking cultures.
Workshop PDF - W3

15:50 - 16:40 JST Track 3

What's in a Name? Karen & White Privilege Looking at How We Relate to Our Names

Karen Mattison

Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts

The name "Karen" has come to be used as a negative term describing an entitled or demanding white woman who uses white privilege to get her way.
When I heard this term, it jarred me and I started asking questions:
  • Am I a Karen?
  • What does it mean to be a Karen?
  • How can I not be a Karen?
  • How has the name Karen come to mean this?
  • Why am I so bothered that the name Karen is used?
  • What is my attachment to my name?

Workshop participants will discuss and reflect on these questions.
Max: 25-30 people Workshop PDF- W2

15:50 - 16:40 JST Track 4

Discussing the Impact of Covid-19 on Women and Children in Japan

Elisabeth Williams

Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts

Though Japan appears to be settling into the "new normal" of "living with Covid", the pandemic nonetheless exposed glaring gendered inequalities in society. In this workshop, we will focuses mainly on the experience of women in Japan during Covid, such as affects on women's employment, domestic work and childcare.
After briefly looking at current research about the gendered affects of Covid-19 in Japan, participants will share their own experiences and thoughts about the pandemic. Lastly, we will brainstorm possible future research topics about Covid-19 in Japan from a gendered perspective.
Max: 15/15人までWorkshop PDF - W1

17:00 - 19:00 JST Keynote Speaker

Coaching Across Cultures : Unleashing the Power of Cultural Diversity in Individuals, Teams and Organizations


Philippe Rosinski


19:00 - 20:00 JST Virtual Networking

Program Details (11月8日日曜日 Sunday, November 8)

10:00 - 11:40 JST Track 1

Contrast Culture Method SIG

Exploring contrasting attitudes toward working onlinewith the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many educators have been struggling to adapt to teaching and carrying out work online. Meanwhile, others have been able to adjust to the new situation with far greater ease. The aim of this workshop is to explore contrasts in the ways people are adapting to online interactions and the underlying reasons for these contrasts.
*Donna Fujimoto Fujimoto 1, Daniel Lilley 2, Amanda Gillis-Furutaka 3, Margaret Kim 4, Fern Sakamoto 5, Yuko Kanemura 6, Michi Saki 7, Diana Buzas 8, Naoki Togawa 9 (1.Osaka Jogakuin University, 2.Momoyama Gakuin University, 3.Kyoto Sangyo University, 4.Otemae University, 5.Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, 6.Osaka Gakuin University, 7.Doshisha Women's College, 8.Tsukuba University, 9.Kansai University)

10:00 - 11:40 JST Track 2

過去の異文化体験を彩り、未来を引き寄せる 異文化感受性を用いた過去の経験の再組織化と 創造


Coloring past intercultural experiences and inviting the future:

Re-organizing and creating past experiences using intercultural sensitivity

Shizu Yamamoto

東海大学 Tokai University

Workshop PDF - W14

10:00 - 11:40 JST Track 3

National Identity, Belonging, and Acceptance of Migrants: Who is “One of Us”?

Adam Komisarof

PhD Faculty of Letters, Keio University

In this workshop, we will explore national identities.  Who is “one of us,” and how do we make those decisions?  First, the presenter will explain his research, recently published in the International Journal of Intercultural Relations and the Asian Journal of Social Psychology, about what are concepts of national identity as well as those prevalent in Japan. 
Then, participants will reflect on their own concepts of national identity.  Finally, we will discuss how we can make our concepts of national identity more inclusive and accepting of human diversity.
Max: 30 people/30人まで Workshop PDF - W5

11:45 - 12:45 Lunch Break and General Meeting for SIETAR Japan members

To request a PDF of the SIETAR Japan Financial report, email together with your membership number.


13:00 - 14:30 JST Keynote Speaker



Multicultural Symbiotic Society and its Impact on

Language Educators


Dr. Suzuko Nishihara

14:35 - 16:15 JST Track 1

Virtual Inclusion: How to Create a Sense of Belonging in a Virtual World

Tanja Bach

Contents Bridge KK

Contents Bridge KK specializes in action inspired learning experiences, including Lego®︎Serious Play®︎ and customized Team Coaching experiences available in three languages.
Virtual work fatigue is real. As the pandemic lingers on and remote work is here to stay, many employees and managers have reported an increased sense of isolation and loneliness due to the lack of social interaction. New employees find it difficult to feel part of the company culture. And teams face the challenge of staying connected.
This interactive workshop is designed to empower participants to find solutions on how to reconnect and find that sense of belonging while working remotely. It is a chance to identify what you as an individual need to feel included and generate options on how to create this environment for your reality.
As a result, this workshop aims to demonstrate how a sense of inclusion and belonging can be created over a short period of time in a virtual world.
Max 50/50人まで Workshop PDF - W16

14:35 - 16:15 JST Track 2

Visual Intercultural Storytelling Art Adventure

Joanna Sell

Intercultural Compass, Leibniz University in Hanover / University of Applied Sciences in Hanover

Joanna Sell is an Intercultural Coach, Facilitator and Trainer. Owner of Intercultural Compass (
The vis-à-vis that stands for Visual Intercultural Stories Art Adventure in the Virtual Interactive Session offers you the opportunity to:
  • Get inspirations on how to work with storytelling and with visual storytelling across cultures
  • Get to know pieces of art that invite participants to dive into meaningful conversations in story circles
  • Experience how visual storytelling can be applied in the experiential learning
  • Get ideas what questions and activities can be applied in the story circles and what encourages sharing stories 
  • Experience how you can work with stories as a trainer, coach, facilitator
  • Exchange on how to give up worn-off stories and create new ones
  • Self-reflect on how you could apply storytelling in your intercultural also virtual sessions

Workshop PDF - W8

14:35 - 16:15 JST Track 3

Games Fostering Diversity & Inclusion Play Session for Practitioners Involved in Working with Diverse Groups

Maria Todosiychuk and Grazia Ghellini

Maria Todosiychuk, Intercultural Intelligence Trainer and Game Designer

Grazia Ghellini, Intercultural Trainer and Edutainment Expert, Interactive Pedagogies Trainer at the University of Montpellier, Business Ethics Instructor at Montpellier Business School

A workshop to explore some edutainment tools for creating safe spaces to experience the challenges of intercultural communication in global business and to foster inclusion in diverse teams. During this session, the participants will sample an international online meeting simulation, «In Vino Veritas", and the «Diversity Space Meeting" game intended to bring people closer.
No limit to number of participants Workshop PDF - W12

16:20 - 18:00 JST Track 1

There is a crack in everything--that's how the light gets in! Addressing Three Challenges of an Uncertain Future with Cultural Perspectives and Resources

George F. Simons, editor and CEO, intercultural gamification

Malak Bellout, Carton Consulting Group, Expert in transition management

Soumia Ben Amar, Chargée de mission, Commission Diplomatique Consultative Internationale Ltd., Intercultural expert

“Addressing Three Challenges of an Uncertain Future with Cultural Perspectives and Resources”
We shall examine the effect of the crisis on the study of cultures and the development of cultural competence, Identify emerging cultural metanarratives and influencing the reconstitution of social and political structures and address neuro-cultural approaches to political and social power struggles and violence and the rise of populism.
Max. 24 people Workshop PDF - W7

16:20 - 18:00 JST Track 2


梶谷 久美子、 鈴木 有香, 末田 清子

桜美林大学 / 桜美林大学 / 青山学院大学

Is your voice easy on the ears in online lectures?

Kumiko Kajitani, Yuka Suzuki, Kiyoko Sueda

J.F. Oberlin University, J.F. Oberlin University, Aoyama Gakuin University
Max 30 people/30人まで Workshop PDF - W11

17:00 - 18:00 JST Track 3

Creative Hour

Papa Balla Ndong

Intercultural Social Mediator

The SIETAR Art Project Coronavirus is entrenched in the ongoing SIETAR-ians lockdown life experience. It´s a participatory process based on a collaborative ART collage. It reflects how to study community life experience using ART. It will focus on:
  • How to create an art outline insight
  • How to process of developing our supporting evidence

The methodology of SIETAR Art Project Coronavirus highlights tactics and strategies that allow community engagement, foster solidarity, embrace differences in cultural realities with the goal to capture what we discovered and learned during the pandemic.
Workshop PDF - W18

18:30 - 19:30 JST Panel Discussion

Living Within Diversity

Panel Discussion

Using the Black Lives Matter Movement to examine perspectives of discrimination related to Japan The Living Within Diversity SiG has strived to increase awareness and opportunities to work towards social change and a more just world.
This year’s panel will offer some perspectives of social justice issues closely related to Japanese people both inside and outside Japan, while continually connected through time and space. We hope you will join us in contemplating these issues and their relations with social issues worldwide.
(Moderator: Lisa Rogers, Doshisha Women's College) Panelists: Claudia Kunschak, Ritsumeikan, Michiko Tomioka, Diversity & Inclusion Trainer, Michael Edwards, Jissen Women's Junior College

LOUNGE 息抜き Iki Nuki

All conferenced out? Want a place to relax? Maybe hang out with friends? Network and make professional connections?

Welcome to LOUNGE 息抜き Iki Nuki!

Our virtual hang-out ZOOM room is always open.**

We are open throughout the conference in our own separate ZOOM room, hosted by volunteers. Drop by to chat, relax, or just see who is here. Meet other conference goers, old friends and new. Hang out in Japanese or English. We can also provide breakout rooms for small groups of people who wish to hang out, get to know each other, or continue discussions based on conference sessions.
** Except during the Brown Bag discussions and one workshop on Saturday (W1 Elisabeth Williams, 15:55-16:45) which is in Track 4.

ラウンジ息抜きへようこそ 息抜きは大会期間中、常時オープンしている交流のためのバーチャルルームです**。


**ただし、7日(土)のネットワーキングディスカッション(Brown Bag Lancheon)が行われている時間帯(12:35-13:25)と、トラック4でワークショップが行われている時間帯(15:55-16:45)を除く。