Conference Updates


We'd love to hear your feedback:

Thank you everyone who helped make our first online conference such a wonderful experience of sharing and commitment to the future of a multi-cultural and diverse world.

Recordings of the Sessions

It's always frustrating to have to choose from among the many interesting sessions at a SIETAR Japan conference. This year, we will be recording many of the sessions, including the keynotes. You will be able to access the recordings after the conference to enjoy. Details will be announced after the conference.



And the answer to the Iki Nuki challenge: EXHALE!

Thank you to the organizers, Stephen Ryan and Renee Renjel, and the amazing moderator volunteers who made the IkiNuki Lounge such a popular place to hang out.

Kikue Yamamoto (Sendai, Japan)

Sue Shinomiya (Portland, Oregon)

Dr. Barbara Covarrubias Venegas (Austria)

Patricia Coleman (Ms Globaliscious in Florida)

Bilingual Help Desk ヘルプデスク

A big round of applause to Manami Tanaka who single-handedly answered all your questions and made sure that everyone had access to the events!

It was a great two days of online events:

  • Workshops on both November 7 & 8 (Saturday and Sunday)

  • Two exciting keynote speeches

  • All-day hospitality suite (Lounge IkiNuki) for informal networking throughout the conference.

You can still interact with the authors of the research papers and practice reports.

  • Interactive access to leading research in the intercultural field from experts in Japan and overseas. Abstracts from over 60 research papers will be published on the conference website. By registering, you will be able to submit questions and comments to the author(s) to allow deeper discussion of the topic.


  - 11月7日(土)、と8日(日)両日のワークショップ

  - 2基調講演 2講演

  - 大会期間中の非公式のネットワーク用のサイトへの参加 (Lounge息抜き)

  - 日本と海外の専門家による最新の異文化領域の最先端の研究への双方向の参加質疑応答60を超える研究要旨が大会用のWebサイトに掲載されています。参加登録することにより抄録への質問やコメントを送ることができ、研究者とより深くディスカッションすることが可能となります。

Want to Become a SIETAR Japan Member?

Please send the application form downloadable from the SIETAR Japan website to SIETAR Japan here.

新しく会員になる場合、9月30日までに入会申込書を学会事務局 までお送り下されば消印有、事前振込の会員資格が得られます。