Sierra College Earth Week

April 17-24, 2023

Power to the Planet

Thanks for joining ECOS and ASSC for our annual Earth Week celebration!

Did you miss out on getting a t-shirt, tote, or other limited edition item? It may not be too late. Check here for any remaining inventory

Events Schedule (April 17-24, 2023)

Earth Day Festival

April 20th, 2023 10am - 3pm

Rocklin Campus, 5100 Sierra College Blvd, Rocklin, CA

Lower Quad 

(outside LRC/Dietrich Theater) 

(Want the NCC Nevada County Earth Day? Scroll to the bottom of this page)

About the Event

Click each section to expand. More to come as event approaches. 

We will have music, games, activities, workshops, vendors, and more. 

Earth Day is an international celebration that takes place around the world on April 22nd to show support for environmental conservation, preservation, stewardship, and reciprocity. Earth Day is observed in more than 193 countries and reminds each one of us that Earth and its habitats provide us with life and subsistence. Earth Day in its current form was first celebrated in 1970, but cultures around the world have been honoring Earth for millennia. 

The Sierra College ECOS (Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students) Club was founded in 1990 and has been integral in the implementation of the Sierra College Earth Day celebration for more than three decades.   

Our theme this year, Power to the Planet, aims to amplify the voices of diverse people, cultures, and ecosystems around the world who have important stories to share about reciprocity, stewardship, and environmental justice. 

Event Purpose:  


The event is free and open to the public. We invite Sierra College students, faculty, staff, and the wider community to join us in a day of celebration and education to: 



“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”  ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass 


“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.”  ― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants 

Food & Vendors*

Wolverine Market*: a pop-up market selling stylish clothing, handmade art and unique crafts

Nutty Tacos*: vegan tacos - two free with the ASSC student activity sticker

Rabbit Food Revolution food truck

To apply to be a vendor at the event, please complete this application by 3/20/23: 

*Student clubs can only accept cash or check. Sorry! 

Activities & Workshops

See the Calendar on this page for even more events throughout the week!

4/20 - Earth Day Festival

10am - Campus Event Begins

11am - Jeopardy

12pm - Jeopardy

12:45pm - Sierra College Jazz Band

1:30pm - Poetry/Music/etc. Performances: Calling all poets, musicians, and other artists who want to share their Earth-related talents with Sierra College. We provide a stand microphone and speakers, you provide the talent and other things you need. If you are interested in participating in the performance section, please complete this application: 

(Join us on 4/19 for Career Night

Student Clubs*

ECOS Club (Environmentally Conserend Organization of Students) 

Sustainable Ag Club

Car Club


Fashion Club

Political Science Club

Umoja Learning Community

To apply to be set up an ASSC Club Booth at the event, please complete this application by 3/20/23: 

*Clubs can only accept cash or check for donations

Environmental Organizations & Agencies

American River Natural History Association 

Effie Yeaw Nature Center

Roseville Urban Forest Foundation

Placer Nature Center

Placer Land Trust

Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary

Factory Farming Awareness Coalition

Clover Valley Foundation

Sierra Nevada Alliance 

Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership Program (SNAP)

Better Beaver Management In Placer County

Canyon Keepers

Sierra College Natural History Museum

Placer County Farm Bureau

Echo Valley Ranch Inc.

Dry Creek Conservancy

Spare The Air / Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

Placer County Master Gardeners

Placer Nevada Cattle Women

Placer Resource Conservation District

To apply to have a table at the event, please complete this application by 3/20/23: 

Other Groups & Informational Booths

Agriculture Department

Environmental Sciences and Sustainability (ESS) Department

Fashion Industries Department

Sierra Journal 

UC Davis Advising 

Auburn Area Democratic Club

Sierra College Library

Placer Action Network

i3: Invention and Inclusive Innovation

ASSC Programming Board

Success Center

Student Engagement Centers

Amy's Drive Thru

Placer Women Democrats

To apply to have a table at the event, please complete this application by 3/20/23: 

*Bring Cash (event and activities are free, but there will also be items to purchase)

Some student clubs will be offering items for club fundraising. Unlike the other vendors at the event, student clubs are only allowed to accept cash or checks for donations. We cannot accept Venmo, Square, CashApp, etc. 

Interested in setting up a booth or holding a workshop at the event in Rocklin? Click the application link for more details.

(see bottom of this webpage for information about the Nevada County Campus (NCC) event)

NCC Earth Day

4/19/23 & Time TBD

NCC Bell Tower Quad 

(student center/cafeteria in the event of rain)

The Nevada County Campus (NCC) in Grass Valley, CA will be celebrating Mother Earth on the same day as the Rockin campus. This event is also open to the public and free of charge.  

For more information, please contact professor Nathan Conkle (