Research Interests

Atomic nuclear is the core and heart of the atom. It contains almost the entire mass of the atom and is regarded as an emergent quantum mechanical system. Though the study of the atomic nucleus is more than a hundred-year-old, different phenomena exhibited by such a finite system continues to puzzle us as we explore it under extreme conditions of temperature, spin and exotic proton-neutron ratio.

The primary focus of my research includes the nuclear structure study of nuclei in mass region A~60-70 via gamma spectroscopic techniques to investigate their excited states at high angular momentum. I am also interested in model-based theoretical calculations and nuclear instrumentation. I was associated with the Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, a premiere research institute with accelerator facilities,  during my doctoral thesis. I have the experience of working with the two large gamma detector arrays at IUAC, namely the Gamma-Detector Array (GDA) and the Indian National Gamma Array(IUAC).