Statistical Mechanics 

Energy Fluctuations in Canonical Ensemble
ClassWork-200424MALDA COLLEGE Internal Evaluation-DC1401 Statistical Mechanics-DC14 Date of Posting : 30/03/2024 Submit By : 5:00 PM, 07/04/2024 Submit to : (Handwritten Answers to be scanned & sent/Offline in the Department) F.M. - 30 Answer the following questions (Figures in the margin indicates maximum marks) Write notes on the following with necessary mathematical expressions/equation or examples, wherever applicable Macrostate and Microstate 2 Postulate of “equal a priori probability” 2 Phase Space, phase trajectory and accessible phase space volume 3 Ensemble and Ensemble Average 3 Ergodic Hypothesis 2 Differentiate between Microcanonical, Canonical and Grand-Canonical Ensemble (4) Sketch the phase trajectory of a 1-d Harmonic Oscillator with necessary calculations. What does any point on the trajectory represent? (3) Find the number of phase cells(number of accessible microstates) in the energy range from 0 to E for a 1-dimensional Harmonic Oscillator. (3) Find the number of phase cells(number of accessible microstates) in the energy range from 0 to E for a free particle in 3 dimensions. (3) Write down the expression for the entropy of a classical ideal gas with necessary correction term (correct enumeration of microstates) due to Gibbs. Also write down the Sackur-Tetrode equation. (2) Five distinguishable particles are distributed in three non-degenerate levels with energies 0, E and 2E. Determine the most probable distribution for a total energy 4E. (3)
Equipartition Theorem

Lesson Plan & Suggested Texts


Internal Assessment-DC1401


Pathria, R. K. Statistical Mechanics.pdf

DC14-PHYSICS-University Questions
