
I am committed to supporting individuals from groups historically excluded from academic mathematics. Here is the article that I co-authored for the AMS Notices, where we reflect upon our experiences running an REU where equity was a priority. 

employment with BEAM:

I've had the privilege of being faculty at Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) for the summers of 2016, 2017 and 2018. I developed and taught two classes: "Cryptography: The Science of Secrets" and "Knot Theory". It is an incredible program that everyone should know about! (BEAM has even been featured in the New York Times, and founder Dan Zaharopol contributed this thoughtful piece on the program to the AMS Notices.

As part of the Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology Conference 2021, I gave two talks about these classes. The videos below give some context into how I designed them, the arcs of the courses, and non-lecture based ways to keep students engaged with the material.

Here are some pictures from my courses over three summers (photo credit: while I took some of these photos, others were taken by BEAM full-time staff; see more here). 

some other outreach:

Prior to working at BEAM, I worked for the Office for Engineering Outreach Programs at MIT. In the summer of 2013, I was a pre-calculus instructor at the 2013 STEM Summer Institute. In the summer of 2014, I was the Level 3 Academic Advisor for the STEM Program.

I was a guest lecturer at the Boston Math Teachers' Circle in Spring 2018 and Spring 2019. One of my sessions, "Well...That's Odd", was focused on using parity as a lens for problem solving. I'm happy to share my materials, just ask!

I was a guest lecturer at the MathIly-Er summer program for high school students in August 2018. I organized a 1-hour interactive workshop entitled "What's Knot To Love: An Introduction to Knots, Links, and Braids".