

Peer Pressure and Discrimination: Evidence from International Cricket  with Nilesh Fernando (University of Notre Dame) 

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, forthcoming

Coverage: The Hindu, Ex Bulletin, Mint, blog post

We study how peers affect in-group bias. Exploiting several umpiring reforms in international cricket matches—where two umpires make independent decisions in each other’s presence—we show that home-team umpires are less biased when working with a neutral colleague, that is, one who is neither a national of the home nor the foreign team. This temporary debiasing is driven by the social pressure umpires feel to be impartial in the presence of neutral peers. Performance evaluation by visually non-salient monitors does not reduce bias, suggesting that physical presence is an important component of debiasing and peer influence.

Working papers

Learning to Govern: The Impact of Politicians' Peer Networks with Apurva Bamezai (UPenn), Siddharth Hari (World Bank) and M.R. Sharan (U Maryland)   Conditionally Accepted via pre-results review, Journal of Development Economics

Policies that broaden political representation empower new leaders who may lack knowledge of how government works. We study whether peer networks among local politicians facilitate knowledge transfer and improve the quality of governance. We run an experiment in partnership with the Government of Bihar, India, where we organised peer groups for randomly selected village leaders. We examine whether these peer networks increase politicians’ knowledge of how to manage the development programs under their charge and improve the delivery of public services. We also test whether politicians from marginalised groups benefit more from peer networks. To understand mechanisms, we test if peer groups diffuse information about governance best practices and help politicians organise collective action. 

Mental Health, News Consumption and Political Behaviour: Experimental Evidence from India  with Francesco Capozza (Berlin School of Economics) and Valentin Bolotnyy (Stanford)    Conditionally Accepted via pre-results review, Journal of Development Economics

We seek to understand how poor mental health, through its effects on cognition and perception, affects behavior with political implications. We will implement a randomized controlled trial around the 2024 general elections in India in which the treatment group will be offered one-month of subsidized mental health care through an online app. We will use this intervention to study how improvements in mental health change the news that people want to consume and affect their political attitudes and behaviors. 

Like Father, Like Son? The Economic Effects of Political Dynasties   Reject and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy

Coverage: Development Impact, The Hindu, Ideas for India, LiveMint, IndiaSpend, The Wire, MoneyControl, Business World, News18, CAT King (blog for Indian civil service aspirants)

I study how political dynasties affect economic development, by compiling biographical data on all Indian legislators since 1952 and analysing three distinct natural experiments. I present three results. First, descendants of political dynasties worsen local economic development (descendant effects), since inheriting political support weakens performance incentives. Second, founders of political dynasties improve economic development, partly because the opportunity to establish a dynasty encourages politicians to perform well in office (founder effects). Third, dynastic politics has negative long-run impacts, as descendant effects outweigh founder effects. A political agency model where descendants inherit ability and political capital can explain these patterns.

(When) Do Politicians Govern Better than Bureaucrats? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India with Abhishek Arora (Harvard), Sharan Mamidipudi (University of Maryland), Nivedita Mantha (World Bank) and Vijayendra Rao (World Bank)    submitted

We compare how politicians and bureaucrats govern.  We analyse a natural experiment in Karnataka, India, which generated quasi-random variation in whether a village was governed by politicians or bureaucrats during 2020-21.  Politicians are better at translating citizens' preferences into policy outcomes: public spending in politician-run villages is more aligned with citizen preferences, reflecting politicians' greater engagement with citizens.  Politicians are also more responsive to citizens: they deliver more social assistance during periods of economic distress and get front-line officials to exert greater effort.  On the other hand, bureaucrats are less susceptible to elite capture and perform better at specialised governance tasks that utilise their expertise.  Politicians and bureaucrats perform similarly in terms of controlling corruption, internalising externalities, managing crises, and promoting local economic growth.  Nevertheless, most citizens prefer to be governed by an elected leader.

Non-Refereed Publications

Two Hundred and Fifty-Thousand Democracies : A Review of Village Government in India  with Vijayendra Rao (World Bank) and MR Sharan (University of Maryland) 

In 1992, the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution created 250,000 village democracies (called Gram Panchayats) covering 800 million citizens. It mandated regular elections, deliberative spaces, and political reservations for women and disadvantaged castes. The unprecedented variation in democratic experience that emerged from this has resulted in a large body of research that provides insights into the intersection between democracy, governance, and development. This paper reviews this literature, showing that India’s democratic trajectory has been shaped by four broad forces: a 3,000 year tradition of debate and deliberation, colonial policies, the contrasting ideologies of central players in the formation of modern India—Gandhi and Ambedkar—and the 73rd Amendment. The paper distills key findings from the empirical literature on the effectiveness of local politicians and bureaucrats, political reservations, public finance, deliberative democracy, and service delivery. It concludes with a set of policy recommendations for improving the functioning of the Panchayats in India, emphasizing the need for greater devolution and improved local fiscal capacity. It also argues that urban governments in India would benefit from learning from the experience of Gram Panchayats.

Works in Progress

Coordinating Voters Against Criminal Politicians: Experimental Evidence from India with Yusuf Neggers (University of Michigan) & Sarika Gupta (World Bank)

Adverse selection to political office has become a concern in some mature democracies, but it is commonplace in the developing world.  In India, 9% of legislators face charges for murder, kidnapping, rape, extortion or armed robbery.  Using a field experiment around the  Uttar Pradesh legislative elections, we test the theory that criminal politicians get elected because voters lack information to screen candidates and coordinate on good candidates.  We partnered with 3 telecom providers and ran a voter information campaign involving over 600,000 voters.  Voters in treated villages received a voice call and text message informing them about the criminal charges of all candidates in their constituency.  Our campaign caused clean candidates to receive 1pp more votes and violent criminal candidates to receive 3pp fewer votesInformation alone did not affect vote shares; instead, results were driven by the coordination treatment arm, in which individuals were told that many other voters had also received the message.  This suggests that reducing voters' information frictions may not be sufficient to break bad political equilibria, but common knowledge can help voters coordinate on better candidates.

Taking the Path Less Travelled? Long-run Impacts of Vocational Secondary Education in Singapore

with Afiqah Suhaiemi (Govt of Singapore)

This paper studies the long-run labour impacts of vocational secondary education using a natural experiment in Singapore and social security administrative data.  Students are assigned to tracks in secondary school based on a cutoff score in the nationwide Primary School Leaving Examination.  Using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design, we find that students assigned to the vocational track are more likely to complete secondary school and attain a post-secondary (usually vocational) qualification, but less likely to attain a university degree.  Attending the vocational track has no average effect on later-life employment, earnings, home ownership or wealth, but this masks substantial heterogeneity: vocational education has positive effects at lower income quantiles but negative effects at higher quantiles.  Even though some students appear to benefit from vocational education, nearly all marginal students opt for the academic track when given the choice.  These patterns are consistent with a simple theory where individuals have different learning styles and there is social stigma against the vocational track.