1st SIAM Northern and Central California Sectional Conference (NCC24)

The 1st Meeting of the Northern and Central California Section of SIAM will take place at the University of California, Merced campus on October 9-11, 2024. We are looking forward to kicking off the SIAM-NCC activities! 

Join us at UC Merced to meet researchers in your region, make connections, and listen to outstanding seminars. 

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs: Noemi Petra (UC Merced), Marta D'Elia (Pasteur Labs and Stanford University), Cosmin Safta (SNL), and Esmond G. Ng (LBNL). 

Technical Program Committee: Javier Arsuaga (UC Davis), Mario Bencomo (Fresno State), Robert Bassett (Naval Postgraduate School), Jon Wilkening (UC Berkeley, LBNL), Marcella Gomez (UC Santa Cruz), Gianluca Iaccarino (Stanford), Habib Najm (SNL), Stefan Wild (LBNL), Shima Alizadeh (Amazon), Carol Woodward (LLNL), and Franziska Weber (UC Berkeley).

Local Organizing Committee: UC Merced faculty members Roummel Marcia, Boaz Ilan, Changho Kim, Erica Rutter, and Shilpa Khatri.

With this first meeting, we want to

This page is created and maintained by Marta D'Elia and Changho Kim.