The Shutterstock API provides access to Shutterstock's library of media, as well as information about customers' accounts and the contributors that provide the media.It allows customer platforms to search for media, view information and previews for the media, and license and download media.

Each type of subscription provides access to a specific media library; all API requests use only the media in that library, including search, details, and licensing requests.For example, when you search with a free subscription, the results are limited to images in the Free stock photos collection.For this reason, you might see different media by searching on the API versus searching on trying to license media, make sure that you can access it through the API with your API subscription.

Shutterstock Contributor Login

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Most endpoints require OAuth 2.0 authentication.In this type of authentication, you use an application and an individual user's login credentials to obtain a token.Then you can use that token as credentials for API requests in place of a user name and password.

For testing the API, copy the authentication code from the URL (in the previous example, it's ABC123) and use it in the next step. When you're ready to code a complete application, you can set it up to embed or refer to the login web page, accept the request from this URL, and store the information from the URL parameters. This code can be used only once, and it expires after 5 minutes.

You can also filter results by the country that the contributor lives in with the contributor_country parameter.For example, to show images from contributors in France, set the contributor_country parameter to FR.To hide images from contributors in Germany, set the contributor_country parameter to NOT DE.To filter multiple countries, send the parameter multiple times with each country code.You can use this parameter with NOT or without NOT, but not with both in the same search.

By default, the safe parameter is set to true to enable safe search, which hides media with the Mature Content designation.Shutterstock's content guidelines require contributors to use this designation to manually flag media with sexual content, graphic medical scenes, vulgar language, or other mature subject matter.Flagging media in this way is a subjective decision.For more information, see Why was my content rejected for Mature Content Designation?.

By default, the results show basic information about each search result, including its description, its contributor, information about its dimensions, aspect ratio, or length, and links to previews.You can get more details about each result by including the view=full parameter with the search.You can also filter fields out of the details with the fields parameter.For more information, see Responses.

You can use the licensing sandbox API to test your application's licensing, downloading, and license history code for images, video, and audio and verify that your subscription is working.Editorial licensing is not available in the sandbox.To use the sandbox, change the base URL of your requests to you are using the JavaScript SDK, use the setSandbox method, as in the example in the right-hand pane (requires SDK version 1.0.11 or later).

You can create collections of a single asset type, which are custom lists of a single type of Shutterstock asset, including images, videos, and audio tracks.You can create any number of collections and access them through the API or at collections will be deprecated, so use catalog collections if your account has access to them.

Through the API, enterprise and SMB users can search catalogs, create catalog collections, and add Shutterstock assets to them, including images, videos, audio tracks, and editorial media.To add their own files and do other work with catalogs and catalog collections, they must access their catalogs with a web browser at

The Shutterstock public API provides access to Shutterstock's library of media, as well as information about customers' accounts and the contributors that provide the media.This SDK provides classes for JavaScript and Node.js that you can use to access the API from your applications.These classes call the API in the same way that direct REST calls do.You can use this SDK to search for media, get information about media and about collections, and (if your subscription permits) license and download media.This is the official SDK provided by Shutterstock for its API.

API subscriptions are separate from the subscriptions that are available on can use an API subscription to license and download media only with the API; API subscriptions don't work on buy an API subscription or set up a free account, see the pricing page.If you have a subscription from and want to use it with the API, contact us.

In the reference information for each SDK method (see Documentation for methods or the API reference, each endpoint is labeled with the types of authentication it accepts and the OAuth scopes it requires, if any.In general, HTTP basic authentication is sufficient for search queries and for getting information about pieces of media.The API requires OAuth authentication for actions that require customers to log in to, such as licensing and downloading media.

In this type of authentication, you use an application and an individual user's login credentials to obtain a token.For instructions on how to get a token, see OAuth authentication on the Shutterstock developer portal.

For POST requests like this one, you create an object of the appropriate class to pass as the request body.In this case, the shutterstock-api.ImagesApi.licenseImages method accepts a body parameter of the class shutterstock-api.LicenseImageRequest.This parameter is an array of objects of the class shutterstock-api.LicenseImage, each of which has the ID of an image to license.The reference information for each method shows the class for the body parameter.


Shutterstock, Inc. (NYSE: SSTK), is a leading global creative platform for transformative brands and media companies. Directly and through its group subsidiaries, Shutterstock's comprehensive collection includes high-quality licensed photographs, vectors, illustrations, 3D models, videos and music. Working with its growing community of more than 2 million contributors, Shutterstock adds hundreds of thousands of images each week, and currently has more than 600 million images and more than 45 million video clips available.

NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Shutterstock, Inc. ("the Company") (NYSE: SSTK), the leading global creative platform for transformative brands and media companies, today unveiled its action plan to launch its AI-generated content capabilities in a manner that is responsible and transparent for its customers and contributors. In expanding its partnership with OpenAI, launching a fund to compensate artists for their contributions, and focusing its R&D machine on gathering and publishing insights related to AI-generated content, Shutterstock positions itself at the forefront of emerging technology -- supercharging ethical, creative storytelling for all.

When this integration launches on in the coming months, customers will receive direct access to these AI image generation capabilities improving their creative workflows. In turn, Shutterstock contributors will be compensated for the role their content played in the development of this technology.

Shutterstock.AI Unlocks New Revenue Streams for ContributorsShutterstock believes that AI-generated content is the cumulative effort of its contributing artists. In an effort to create a new industry standard and unlock new revenue streams for the Company's artist community, Shutterstock has also created the framework to provide additional compensation for artists whose works have contributed to develop the AI models. The Company also aims to compensate its contributors in the form of royalties when their intellectual property is used.

Experience the Power of Shutterstock.AI Learn more about Shutterstock's initiatives surrounding AI-generated content, including an exclusive AI-generated collection from Creative Producer Alex Ambroziak, at

Shutterstock, Inc. (NYSE: SSTK), is the leading global creative platform for transformative brands and media companies. Directly and through its group subsidiaries, Shutterstock's comprehensive collection includes high-quality licensed photographs, vectors, illustrations, 3D models, videos and music. Working with its growing community of over 2 million contributors, Shutterstock adds hundreds of thousands of images each week, and currently has more than 424 million images and more than 27 million video clips available.

"Shutterstock has now fully integrated generative AI into our Creative Flow platform across all of our products, sales channels, geographies, and languages, and we have established major AI ecosystem partnerships leveraging our massive content library. I could not be any more excited about the rapid technology change we are experiencing in our industry and Shutterstock's unique ability to reward our contributors for participating in this historic technology evolution around generative AI." e24fc04721

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