Guardian Fee

Initial Fee For Guardian Program

Future Stud (Male)

The fee to be a guardian home for a Shurbeez puppy/dog is $1000 or less , you earn $10% of each stud fee for each litter he sires from dogs outside of our own dogs - in addition to the opportunity to earn extra monetary rewards for additional certifications, etc. (see the responsibility page). 

We will pay for the neuter and final dental procedure, if dental is necessary, if/when all contractual obligations have been fulfilled - before signing official ownership over to you.

We will discuss the actual cost when we interview you in person.

Future Momma (Female)

The fee to be a guardian home for a Shurbeez puppy/dog is $1000 or less , you earn $100 for each litter she successfully whelps and raises in addition to the opportunity to earn extra monetary rewards for additional certifications, etc. (see the responsibilities page). 

We will pay for the spay and final dental procedure, if dental is necessary,  if/when all contractual obligations have been fulfilled - before signing official ownership over to you.

We will discuss the actual cost when we interview you in person.