Master Pack Wiki [Version 11.0]

Created: July 20th, 2022


Master Pack (or MPak) is a library creation/modification created by Master_64, made for Shrek 2 (PC), which started development back in July of 2022, and was officially released to the public on July 20th, 2022. Its main purpose is to make modding as accessible and simple to others as possible, by providing functionality for simple and complex needs that are common-to-use for modders. Whether you need to create complex scripts, or you need a way to easily modify the game without having any sort of programming knowledge, MPak can easily do it!

MPak is a complex, yet intuitive and fully-documented library of code that provides a lot of convenient features for modders. More specifically, it helps with mappers a lot, but also helps programmers out. MPak is open-source, meaning you can easily view all the source code and recompile it yourself. Once you've installed this mod and want to release a project to the public that uses this mod, simply provide the file MPak.u in your download, or provide a link to MPak, and you're good to go! Any sort of custom map that uses MPak requires that the user loading the map has MPak installed (typically the same version of MPak the map was built with), otherwise, the user will fail to load into the custom map.

How to install -- For Users

How to install -- For Modders

Main Features


Below is a list of sections that explain every aspect of MPak. If in a level editor and you're needing to select a certain class so that you can place it down, click on the console in the bottom left of the editor's window and run the console command SetCurrentClass Class=MPatcher, and replace MPatcher with whichever class you wish to select. Doing this allows you to quickly find the actors in the editor.



This modification has received many updates over the course of time, so it should come as no surprise that certain versions of this modification are incompatible with other versions of this modification. Take for example building a new level with MPak. Under certain circumstances, an update to MPak may majorly break that custom level if it required an older version of MPak that is no longer available. Older versions of this modification can still be downloaded in order to support projects that used older versions of this modification.

For the most part, you should try to aim to have the most up-to-date version of MPak, or at least the most up-to-date version of MPak that is compatible with your project. Older versions of MPak that are considered cross-compatible mean that, for the most part, the version of MPak won't majorly break a level, but that does not mean it won't break a level in a minor way.

If you need to update to a different version of MPak, export your map into a .t3d format before updating. By doing this, you preserve any potential data that may be lost if you are updating to a higher or lower version of MPak, if it says it's not cross-compatible below. Then once you update MPak, open the .t3d file in a text editor, and from that point, you should be able to manually recover any potentially lost data. Refer to the modification's changelogs for each update if you are unsure about what data may have been lost across an update.

Here's a list of all versions that are compatible with each other. If the version is underlined, then the version can be currently downloaded from the archive. If the version has a line through it, then this version is lost to time and cannot be recovered without a version being provided to Master_64. If the version is in bold, this means it's the latest version of the mod, which can only be downloaded from the primary download (not from the archive).


This modification is made by modders, for modders. THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION.

This modification does not, in any way, decompile or modify the original Shrek 2 (PC) video game, and only uses provided/intended methods of modification creation. According to the Shrek 2 (PC) license agreement, this modification abides by all of the terms set in the document.

You are given full permission to redistribute this project IF YOU DO NOT MODIFY IT, even if you do not properly credit Master_64 for the usage of the library in your own project. However, if you do modify it in any way, you must follow the guidelines below: