Created: December 2nd, 2022

Use this page to learn the answers to very frequently asked questions about Shrek 2 (PC).

How do I download and play the game?

Download the original game's .iso to get started!

To download, once you open the link in your browser, simply click on ISO IMAGE located under DOWNLOAD OPTIONS (seen on the right side of the page), then mount the .iso once downloaded (double clicking it in the File Explorer should mount it) and run Autorun.exe located in the .iso to install the game. This is for the English version of the game, and none of the files are tampered with, since it's a genuine .iso. If you want a different language for the game, you'll either need to find a language patch for the game, or you'll need to find a genuine disk containing the game with your preferred language.

If you are a casual player, you need to know that there's a part in the game which will commonly softlock (trap) casual players. However, there are 2 patches to fix this. Capping the game's FPS to 60 bypasses this issue (and is allowed for official competitions), but there is a core fix as well (not allowed for official competitions). As long as you're not planning on speedrunning in the near future, I highly recommend downloading Master_64's patch (installation instructions can be seen on the page linked).

From this point, you're ready to play Shrek 2 (PC). To start playing the game, run the file game.exe, found in the game's directory inside the folder System.

How do I download and enable the speedrunner's game configuration?

Download Master's Shrek 2 (PC) configurations and download/obtain either the mid-end or low-end version (explained in the link).

After downloading, copy the .ini file, then go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then paste the .ini file into that folder. Delete the existing Default.ini file in this directory, then rename the new .ini file to Default.ini, so that the game can properly load with the new configuration.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

Notice: if your mouse inputs are randomly dropping (or the game is majorly stuttering at random), if you set ReduceMouseLag=True in the Default.ini configuration file provided in the download, then it will fix this core issue. This issue is not consistent across various hardware.

How do I cap the game's FPS to 60 FPS?

In order to natively cap the game's FPS to 60, you'll need to download the FPS patch.

While the file is downloading, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System, and make a backup of the file Engine.dll. This backup will be your only practical way to uninstall the patch. Once the file is downloaded, open the downloaded folder, go into the folder 60FPS, and copy the Engine.dll file. Now, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System, and replace your original Engine.dll with the newly-patched one.

Important: only the patches in the folder names 60FPS and UncappedFPS are officially allowed for competitions!

Your game will now be natively capped to 60 FPS, upon launching the game. You'll know if it worked, because an FPS counter will appear in the top-right corner of the screen during all gameplay. If you want to temporarily turn off the FPS counter being visible, use the console command Stat FPS. Running this console command a single time will turn it off until the next time the game is ran. This FPS counter must be visible for official competitions.

To uninstall the patch, use your backup of Engine.dll to overwrite your patched Engine.dll.

How do I install the Shrek 2 Level Editor?

Check out this section to see how to get started!

How do I change the game's resolution?

If you have the console unlocked, enter in the console command SetRes 1024x768 and replace 1024x768 with the resolution of your choosing. Notice: this resolution change is temporary. If you want a more permanent fix, then follow these instructions below:

Close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate Default.ini. Open that file with a text editor and locate the text [WinDrv.WindowsClient]. Below that, you'll see the following:





Change the following to the resolution of your choosing. WindowedViewport is the resolution that the game will be displayed at in while in windowed mode, and FullscreenViewport is the resolution the game will be in while in fullscreen mode.

Important notice: changing the game's aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 without changing the default camera's FOV will cause the camera to be zoomed in much more than it should. Changing the default FOV from 85.0 to 101.403290 accurately depicts the default FOV on a 16:9 aspect ratio.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

How do I unlock the console to execute console commands?

Close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate Default.ini. Open that file with a text editor and locate the text [Engine.Console]. Below that, you'll see the following:


Change the following to a specific keyboard key code value. You likely don't know what that means, but essentially, ConsoleKey needs to equal a specific keyboard key code value in order to be made into a key bind the game can recognize. This value is a byte (an integer between 0-255), and you can find out which values match what keys through this resource page.

If you don't care to use a specific key, here's some very common keys:

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

How do I change my key binds?

Close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate the file DefUser.ini. Open that file with a text editor, then scroll down past the aliases. You'll see a lot of keys equaling certain actions. Simply change the key you want to change to equal a different action.

Assigning a key the action of nothing will unbind the key. If the key action contains the keyword | in it (the pipe symbol, not the letter I or L), it will acknowledge that as an new additional action to run, meaning you can run multiple actions with the press of a single key. If the key action contains the keyword OnRelease in it, any actions specified after the keyword will result in the action being executed only after the key is released. These key actions can include console commands as well, so you can bind specific console commands in this file.

Example #1: Space=BypassCutscene | FOV 110 will run 2 actions when the key Space is pressed, which are: bypass the current cutscene and set the FOV to a value of 110.0.

Example #2: W= will cause the key W to not run any actions. In this example, we've successfully unbound the W key by assigning it with no action.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

How do I access the object detail setting OR why is my object detail setting missing OR how do I remove certain objects from a level OR why are my levels slightly different than others?

The object detail setting can only be seen in the main menu, NOT the pause menu. Exit to the main menu each time you wish to change your object detail.

You can also watch this video to see how to access this setting, if you're confused as to what the difference between the main menu and the pause menu are.

In Shrek's Swamp, I cannot do Swamp Clip. How do I fix this?

This means that your game's FPS (frames per second) is too low to clip through the wall. In order to clip through the wall, you need to align your player's position with a very specific location, down to the 0.0001 in units. If the game's FPS is capped to 60 FPS, then only the first method below will have much effect. Some ways to increase your chances of clipping through the wall are:

Notice: setting Texture Detail to Low does not increase the chance of clipping in any way.

If none of these methods work for you (worth mentioning that the first method will always work once learned), you'll be forced into using an alternate route that is only +9 seconds when compared to swamp clip. This likely sounds like a big deal, but keep in mind you can still do a top-level speedrun without using swamp clip. This alternate route can be found here.

In Prison Steed, I cannot climb up the first ladder. How can I fix this?

If you cannot fully climb up the ladder, this means that your game's FPS (frames per second) is too high. This essentially means that your computer's hardware outperforms the game so much that it produces too many frames for the game to properly work with. Under typical circumstances, a frame rate that is above an average of 300+ while climbing this ladder will make it harder, if not almost impossible to climb (the odds of climbing it decrease with the amount of average FPS). A frame rate of 120 or below is preferred to climb up the ladder consistently, although 60 FPS completely fixes the issue.

The easiest fix is to cap your game's FPS to 60 by patching it, because on 60 FPS, you can always climb the ladder (and also makes the overall game a lot more stable/predictable).

Watch this video to learn some methods that may allow you to climb the ladder more often without capping your game's FPS to 60.

If you are a casual player and simply want a core fix for the issue instead of some alternate methods of climbing the ladder, download the Prison Steed Ladder Fix patch made by Master_64. Notice: this patch is not allowed for official competitions.

Is it possible to switch between fullscreen mode and windowed mode?

Press Alt + Enter on your keyboard to toggle between fullscreen mode and windowed mode. If the game was started in fullscreen mode (which you should not do if you want to do this easily), your game may crash when switching to windowed mode a second time.

If you want to make the game start in fullscreen mode: close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate Default.ini. Open that file with a text editor, then locate the text [WinDrv.WindowsClient]. Beneath this, you will find the line StartupFullscreen=. This needs to be set to StartupFullscreen=False. Doing this tells the game that the game should default to running in windowed mode.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

How can you change the game's/camera's field of view (FOV)?

Close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate DefUser.ini. Open that file with a text editor, scroll down to the very bottom and then add this:




From here, simply change the values 85.0 to another value of your choosing. This will change your default FOV, however, there are some parts in this game where your FOV will not represent the FOV you've set here. To bypass this in real-time, simply change (bind found in same file)



Space=BypassCutscene | FOV 85

Notice: The number provided in the FOV console command should match the FOV value you've assigned as the default.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

 If you have FOV 85 bound to space, pressing space will attempt to fix the FOV. If the FOV is currently changing (or in the process of changing), it won't change until that stops.

Upon loading the game, all I see is some sort of bluish bird/eagle/hawk/vulture icon and I cannot do anything. How do I fix this?

Your Default.ini (configuration file) is corrupted, causing the intro movies to fail to play. This is only caused by the download you found being corrupted. You should download and use this configuration file to fix this.

After downloading, copy that file, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then paste the file in that folder. Then, locate your documents folder and locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2. Open that folder and delete the file game.ini.

The game should now properly load. If the game still does not load, then you should re-download the entire game.

Why are my credits modified?

You have someone's modified Credits.txt file. You can download the original Credits.txt file.

After downloading, copy that file, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then paste the file in that folder.

The game's credits will now be the original credits.

Upon loading the game, the game fails to load because it's missing a file named binkw32.dll. How do I fix this?

Your download of the game is corrupted because you downloaded someone else's malformed game directory. You can download the file from here.

After downloading, extract the file to obtain the file binkw32.dll from it. Copy that file, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then paste the file in that folder.

The game should now properly load. If the game still does not load, then you should re-download the entire game.

Why can't I modify my game files?

You may have all of your game files set to Read-only=true, which is a Windows operating system file flag that is sometimes set to true/on/enabled.

To modify any file (on Windows 10), right click on it within the File Explorer and select Properties. At the bottom of the new window that just appeared should be 2 attributes that can be changed. Un-tick Read-only and then click Apply. If it asks to apply this to all sub-folders, tell it to do so.

Where can I find a list of all console commands this game has?

How do I enable debug mode?

Execute these 2 console commands:

Set KWGame.KWVersion bDebugEnabled True (or ToggleDebugMode)

Set SHGame.Version bDebugEnabled True

Once you do that, you'll have access to debug mode until you close the game.

How do I add the ability to make save states?

Close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate DefUser.ini. Open that file with a text editor and scroll down past the aliases. You'll see a lot of keys equaling certain actions. Make one of the actions equal SaveGame 64 and then make another equal "LoadGame 64". The key with the action SaveGame 64 is now a save bind and the key with the action LoadGame 64 now loads your most recent save state. If you want to change the save state ID, simply change the number used in the two console commands to something else. A save game ID of 0-5 will cause the save states to appear on the main menu.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

Why do certain console commands sometimes stop working?

Certain console commands fail to work if you've recently loaded a save, due to a "cheat protection system". Technically, there's no anti-cheat in Shrek 2, but it's actually caused by a bug, which causes a lot of console commands to become in-accessible after loading a save (thanks KnowWonder!). Simply restart the level via the console command RestartLevel or RL. If you don't have the console unlocked, complete the current level you're in.

Why does Fairy Godmother's orbs sometimes not reflect when hit?

You need to be far enough back so that the orb doesn't hit the top of your head. If the orb hits the top of your head, you may run into an issue with orb reflections failing to work even when the condition is satisfied for it to be reflected (that being it is hit by the front of your collision hitbox, and not the top of it). If this happens, try doing a jump attack in the air and try again. If this doesn't fix it, you can either wait for it to eventually fix itself or you can load a save. It's currently unknown what causes this bug to occur, and what fixes it.

How do I rebind the jump key?

Close the game, go into your game's directory, go into the folder System and then locate DefUser.ini. Open that file with a text editor and scroll down past the aliases. You'll see a lot of keys equaling certain actions. Simply change the action of a key to equal Jump to make that key act like the jump key. If you want, empty the value for RightMouse to disable the usage of the right mouse button causing the player to jump.

After doing this, locate your documents folder, locate the automatically generated folder Shrek 2, then delete it (will lose all saves). Loading the game from this point will apply the changes you've made.

Why did my game crash after loading a save?

Making a save while a cutscene is active then loading the save is known to cause a game crash. Additionally, double loading a save into a level that contains terrain will cause a crash.

Why does the double jump not work every time?

There's a somewhat common misconception that double jumps are inconsistent when this is simply not the case (but to be fair, this mechanic is never officially brought up in-game). The hidden mechanic behind double jumping is that the moment you hit the apex of your jump (or begin to fall), you lose the ability to double jump until you land (with one exception being that you hit a slope that causes you to momentarily fly upward while falling).

So, this means that to get a good double jump, you need to do your second jump right before you hit the apex of your jump. The perfect double jump timing is different for the 5 playable characters that can jump, except for Shrek and Shrek (Human), which have the same timing window.