Teaching and mentoring Activities

Teaching interests

My teaching interests include core architecture subjects such as Green Buildings, Energy Efficient Architecture, and Climatology, and urban planning core subjects such as Human Settlements, Housing and Community Planning, Environmental Planning, and Environmental Impact Assessment. Besides these, I have a keen interest in teaching multi-disciplinary subjects such as Applied Statistics, Quantitative Research Methods, Sustainable Development, Nature-based Solutions, Human Biometeorology, and Urban Climate. She is comfortable hosting and organizing various short-term courses, workshops, and seminars.

Currently teaching:

Teaching experiences

Assistant Professor (Oct 2023- onwards): Sustainable Urban Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India

Assistant Professor (Sep 2020- Feb 2021): Centre for Urban Policy and Governance, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India

Teaching Assistant (Jul 2017- Aug 2020): Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India

Invited talks and seminars

Snippets of some of the talks and guest lectures

Research guidances

I guided two masters students for their Urban Policy dissertation in Tata Institute of Social Sciences during 2021. During my post doctoral research project, I mentored five research assistants in field work, research design, data analysis and writing manuscripts. I have additionally mentored few masters and doctoral candidates from IIT Kharagpur. I helped them to understand how to formulate research questions. Further, I also mentored them to conduct systematic literature review. I also provide them guidance on various types of data and statistical methodologies for the analysis. 

Mentoring support

Curriculum vitae or resume:  A lot of confusion bugs the person looking for a job, writing a grant application, or simply applying for an academic program. CV and resume are two different things and they speak a lot about a potential candidate, their knack and communicative ability. The majority of the applications for jobs and grad schools are initially scrutinized on the basis of the CV/ Resume.  While CVs are detailed documents of academic and scholastic achievements, resumes are precise, and brief and can provide a quick impression of the credentials of a candidate. Positions in academics and industries demand different focus areas present in a vitae or resume. Hence, this becomes tricky to compile the most appropriate CV/resume for a specific role. I regularly provide mentoring support to students at various levels on preparing an effective CV or resume for academics or industry positions. 

Cover letter and statement of purpose (SoP):  CVs and resumes are tricky, and Statements of Purpose (SOP) and cover letters can be trickier. A cover letter links the person with the job or the purpose. A cover letter can be written for an academic position, an industry role, or for manuscript submission in a journal and many similar purposes. However, SOP is more like a summary document showing all relevant academic and non-academic co-curricular activities synced together to put some light on the candidate's profile so far. A lot depends on how the final version of the cover letter or the SOP is taking shape. I help candidates with personalized guidance in drafting cover letters, SOPs, and such similar documents for students at various career levels.

Networking and connections: Networking and connection building has become an integral part of how a candidate wants to place himself/herself within the fraternity. While good networking skills can help in assimilating varieties of important career information, poor networking skills can result in missing out that important information and some interesting opportunities. This is especially relevant for doctoral candidates and Early Career Researchers (ECR) in academics. LinkedIn, ResearchGate, or even Twitter, and Facebook can be effectively used in academia for connections and networks. Wondering how? I can share my personal experiences about how to utilize them strategically. 

Funding and sponsorships: Sponsorships are important. Strong funding can be helpful for pursuing a short-term internship, attending a conference or a seminar, becoming a visiting fellow, or maybe setting up an entirely new research lab. Numerous government and private-run agencies provide sponsorship support at various career levels. They all have their own format of application and evaluation process. Sometimes these sponsorships and fellowships are designated for a specific target group as well. However, it becomes really difficult to regularly keep a track of various agencies and such opportunities. The quality of the application also matters. I help candidates by sharing many such trivial details and anecdotes on acquiring a sponsorship.