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I mostly keep our TV shut off during the day. I put cartoons on for a couple of hours for my son, lately he's been into Happy Feet or anything with a lot of music. He's ten months, pretty funny watching him 'dance'. My husband and I watch a few episodes of whatever we're into at the moment after our son goes to sleep. Recently we've been watching Rescue Me. I think the last movie we actually watched together was The Hobbit.

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I just finished watching A Series Of Unfortunate Events (the TV series). I've always loved the books and I think it's very well adapted to screen. Love the dark humour. Some of the innuendos could be inappropriate for kids, though it's subtle enough that the kids might not even notice.

I typically never watch TV. That said, for a class right now, I'm watching the 80s version of Journey to the West with subtitles. Such a campy 80s show! I can imagine if I'd seen it as a kid in the 80s I'd have thought it was the coolest thing ever, but as an adult in the 20-teens, I'm spoiled with modern special effects, heh.

I love the good place!!! I primarily watch off of Netflix and Amazon (thanks Mom and Dad!) since I don't have cable so I haven't seen any of the new season. Last night I watched the new Netflix movie Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and it was really dark and great. It is a chose your own adventure movie, and has different endings based off of your choices in the movie. I got four different endings, and apparently there are five... must resist the urge to google how to get the last one!

My 20 month old loves anything with music in it. We don't have Happy Feet, but she LOVES Frozen and has learned to sing along with Let It Go. Her other favourite is Goldie and Bear to which she sings along with the theme song. She doesn't get all the words right as she's still learning her words, but she does a good job. My TV is on ALL day most days. I really need to restrict my girls to the amount of TV and YouTube they can watch. It's getting way out of hand again.

I tend to watch a fair bit of shows on TV during the week too and it's too many to list. I usually don't watch everything as it's released and will binge watch a show with a few episodes I haven't gotten too at night when the kids are sleeping or if I'm up with the little one who sometimes likes to party all night.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, I do watch American Horror Story as well. I didn't really care for Ronake season. It was eh. My watchlist on Netflix is probably 200 shows or more. It varies.

Watched "Dark Money" last night on BBC. Was a real difficult watch about a kid actor being abused by the producer whilst on set. Good but a difficult watch. I'm glad that I found VPN from Veepn.com. Now I can watch any channels I want without restrictions. Very convy!

I saw that was on last night, I didn't know what it was until I read this. Not something I'd actually want to watch, but I'm REALLY pleased that a show's been made about it. Lost Boys (forever love this film!) was on Paramount Network night before last, poor Corey Haim... The amount of abuse that goes on beggars belief, doesn't it. -__-

I watched Ransom on 5USA, that's pretty good, Designated Survivor tonight though which I think is really good. Oh and I watched Marvel's Agent Carter, I love that. Not only is it fun, but the clothes and hair of that era made everyone look amazing. No needless acres of cleavage everywhere, either, and it would be acres with Hayley Atwell, bless her. The UK tabloids find it completely impossible to talk about her without using the adjective "busty" everywhere, they just can't do it.

Using the Showbox app can be a great way to watch movies and TV shows for free. With the tips provided in this article, you should be able to get the most out of your Showbox experience. If you have any further questions or need more help, please feel free to check out our other content for more helpful advice.

Ash has worked in the software industry for over 25 years. In this time he's learned what to look for in a great product, and all the things to watch out for. It's become his life's mission to help others so they can be more productive with their time. You can reach out to him via the contact us page.I love hearing from readers, so if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can contact me through the contact us page.

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