The programming environment we will use in this course is called Greenfoot4Sofia. It is a customized version of Greenfoot that allows us to work with many kinds of micro-worlds that we can also build and install as Android applications. The first time you start Greenfoot4Sofia, you can choose the lightbot3 scenario from the tutorial, which is a project based on Level 3 of the Light-Bot game. The initial view of the project looks like this:

The checker will ask you to enter the file name for your lightbotfile and the maximum number of commands allowed for main, f1 and f2respectively. This is not the number of commands you used, but howmany commands the puzzle allows you to enter for each method.



In Lightbot, players move the lightbot robot through a variety of puzzles, light up blue tiles and solve levels. They do this by creating their own mini-programs. If your kids have played games, this will look familiar. Drag-and-drop blocks come ready with actions like move forward, turn right and light up that users move to the coding screen on the right. A green play button then runs the program, while a pulsing techno sound keeps the beat in the background. ff782bc1db

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