Principal Investigator
Dr. Andrew E. Z. Short
Professor & Senior Curator
Associate Chair of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Google Scholar @TheShortLab Nat Geo Blog
Email: aezshort /at/ ku.edu
Office phone: 785.864.2323
My work revolves around the evolution and diversity of aquatic beetles. I use a combination of molecular, morphological, and field data to understand how these organisms are related and distributed.
Postdocs & Staff
Sarah Schmits
Digitization Specialist
Email: scschmits/at/ ku.edu
I coordinate the lab's informatics and database activities, including our participation in Invertnet and work to develop digital infrastructure for the National Water Quality Collection in collaboration with the University of Minnesota.
Graduate Students
Liza Maria Gonzalez Rodriguez
MS Student
Email: liza.maria.gonzalez.r/ at/ ku.edu
Liza's work focuses on the taxonomy and systematics of the water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae). She is currently working on the genus Notionotus.
Peter Willadsen
PhD Student
Email: pwilladsen /at/ ku.edu
Larissa Santana
PhD Student
Co-advised with Neusa Hamada and based at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) in Manaus, Brazil
Larissa is working on the systematics and evolution of the giant water scavenger beetle genus Hydrobiomorpha.
Janderson Alencar
PhD Student
Co-advised with Neusa Hamada and based at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) in Manaus, Brazil
Janderson is studying the taxonomy and ecology of aquatic beetles living in seepage habitats in the mountain ranges of east-central Brazil.
Alexandra Coveney
Undergraduate Assistant
Lab Alumni
Stephen Baca, PhD '21 (now IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellow)
Devin Bloom, Postdoctoral Researcher (now Western Michigan University)
Bruno Clarkson, PhD '14, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Jacob Dixon, REU Student
Jennifer Girón, PhD '19 (now Postdoctoral Researcher, Purdue University)
Frazier Graham, REU Student
Grey T. Gustafson, Postdoctoral Researcher (now Northern Arizona University)
Vanessa Kadosoe, MS '14, National University of Suriname (now National Zoological Collection of Suriname)
Alex Kohlenberg, REU/Senior Thesis Student
Crystal Maier, PhD '16 (now MCZ, Harvard University)
Clay McIntosh, REU Student
Rachel Neff, MA' 22 (now Prairie Park Nature Center)
Marianna Simoes, PhD '17, (now Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum)
Emmanuel Toussaint, Postdoctoral Researcher (now Natural History Museum of Geneva)
Chief Snuggler