
Freshwater resources are an integral component of both human and ecosystem health. Surveying the communities of these habitats provide a measure of the health of that system as well providing the raw materials for systematic studies. Surveys in various regions in the Old and New World tropics show that hydrophilids are routinely 40 to 90% undescribed in these areas. Our lab has been involved with dozens of expeditions to survey this incredibly diverse region for aquatic insects. We work with in-country institutions and conservation groups to maximize the reach and impact of our research.


The Lab's current fieldwork program centers on Brazil. Through collaborations with the Hamada lab at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA) and the Ferreira Lab at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, we have begun exploring the broader Amazonian fauna of aquatic beetles. Andrew spent 4 months in Brazil in 2018 as part of his Fulbright fellowship.


The lab has ongoing field program in Suriname. To date, we have conducted 7 expeditions around the country. We have a very active collaboration with the National Zoological Collection of Suriname.


In collaboration with WWF-Guianas and the University of Guyana, the lab has participated in 3 expeditions in various remote regions of Guyana since 2013.


Our research group led numerous expeditions around the country with our partner institutions, the Universidad Central de Venezuela and the Universidad del Zulia, primarily between 2008 and 2012.

Costa Rica

Andrew has a long history of work in Costa Rica, with 10 expeditions over the last 15 years. A collaborator with the now-shuttered INBio for many years, our lab also collaborates with the Universidad de Costa Rica.


The lab has participated with expeditions to Mongolia, Panama, Ecuador, Hawaii, and across the continental United States.