The Cane Kids

Click on the link to order "The Cane Kids" by Kristen Lang.

Join Everett and Willow, two remarkable kids just like you, in their debut adventure as ‘The Cane Kids.’ Discover the extraordinary world through their unique perspective as they navigate life with a special tool—embracing independence and pride. 

Now Offering CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual impairment) O&M services

Shore O&M staff has earned a UMASS Boston CVI certificate in CVI.  CVI is the leading cause of childhood blindness and low vision.

Our Mission

To provide high quality Orientation and Mobility services to adults & children who are blind/visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities, by teaching them to use all their senses to navigate the world around them independently


Our Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS) teach clients to access the information in their environments to help them know where they are, this information helps the client stay oriented.  Shore O&M specialists provide experiences for our visually impaired clients to learn the skills and techniques that will allow them to be safe travelers and feel confident in their environments.

Shore O&M is fully certified & insured. 

We provide orientation and mobility services to clients living in New Jersey.

Current Member 

Certified by Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals

Important Dates to Remember

Is a guide dog the right choice for you?

Vision & Eye Health Awareness Calendar

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate from Allied Independence 

Make a Difference

Mentor Someone