Now Offering CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual impairment) O&M services

Shore O&M staff has earned a UMASS Boston CVI certificate in CVI.  CVI is the leading cause of childhood blindness and low vision.

Our Mission

To provide high quality Orientation and Mobility services to adults & children who are blind/visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities, by teaching them to use all their senses to navigate the world around them independently


Our Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS) teach clients to access the information in their environments to help them know where they are, this information helps the client stay oriented.  Shore O&M specialists provide experiences for our visually impaired clients to learn the skills and techniques that will allow them to be safe travelers and feel confident in their environments.

Shore O&M is fully certified & insured. 

We provide orientation and mobility services to clients living in New Jersey.

Current Member 

Certified by Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals

Important Dates to Remember

Is a guide dog the right choice for you?

Vision & Eye Health Awareness Calendar

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate from Allied Independence 

Make a Difference

Mentor Someone