Frequently Asked Questions

What is visual impairment and blindness?

IDEA defines Visual impairments as an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.

What is a Orientation and Mobility Specialist?

A Orientation & Mobility Specialist is a certified instructor who has received specialized training in teaching individuals who are blind or visually impaired to travel safely, gracefully and efficiently throughout their community/environments.

Where does Orientation and mobility instruction occur?

Instruction occurs indoors and outdoors within an environment that is familiar and unfamiliar to an individual.

What does an Orientation and Mobility Specialist teach?

Orientation and Mobility Specialist teach individuals who are blind and visually impaired specific skills needed in order to know where they are and how to move safely, independently, efficiently to where they want to go.

Who does a Orientation and Mobility Specialist work with?

Orientation and Mobility Specialists work with individuals one-on-one. They work with infants, children in pre-school, school programs, and adults.

Where does Shore O&M Service?

Shore O&M provides Orientation and Mobility services to clients living in New Jersey.

Who does Shore O&M service?

Shore O&M services adults and children in a variety of settings from community-based or rehabilitation settings.

What is orientation and mobility?

Orientation is the process of using information in the environment to establish and maintain our position in that surrounding.

Mobility is the process of moving ourselves from one place to another.