Shoko Koyama

Welcome to Shoko's homepage! 

I am an radio astronomer. I am a researcher at College of Creative Studies, Niigata University, in Japan. 

I am interested in the observational studies related to active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets and black holes by mainly using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI).

I participate in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, which is an international collaboration aiming to directly capture the first image of a black hole by creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope. I participate in a series of the EHT works, proposal writings (blazars), data reduction, imaging, and physical interpretations.

Employment / Education History:

2021-present: Assistant professor, Niigata University, Japan

2017-2021: Postdoctoral fellow, Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taiwan R.O.C.

2014-2017: Postdoctoral fellow, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany

2013-2014: Research student at the University of Tokyo, JAXA/ISAS, Japan

2010-2013: Ph.D. astronomy Dept., the University of Tokyo, Japan

2008-2010: M.S. Astronomy Dept., the University of Tokyo, Japan

2004-2008: B.S. Physics Dept., Waseda University, Japan