Multi-constrained Optimal Path Selction Software

The Java executable jar file is provided which can execute the algorithm which we have proposed in :

Umair F. Siddiqi, Yoichi Shirashi, Sadiq M. Sait, “Multi-Constrained Route Optimization for Electric Vehicles (EVs) using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),” International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) 2011, 22-24 Nov. 2011, Cordoba, Spain pp. 391-396.


About running the software:


1. Download the jar file from the following link.

2. Generate or download some random graphs (

3. The random garphs should be placed in the same directory as the jar file.

4. Download the lastest Java JRE from Sun Java website (

5. Execute the algorithms by using the following syntax:

      java -jar algo.jar <random graph name>

in the random graph name do not write .txt. For example, when the filename is graph1.txt then just write graph1. Some examples are:


java -jar algo.jar graph1


The output will be stored in a sub-directory named as <random graph name> in the current folder.   

The output file report the summary of results and the objective function values. The execution times of the algorithms are: 200 msec, 400 msec, 600 msec, and 800 msec. The Swarm size and population sizes are equal to 20.


The Java source is present in the zipped archive