Become A Volunteer

Dedicated - Resourceful - Mentors

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Mahatma Ghandi

Thank you for your interest in supporting SHIP! We have a variety of ways YOU can start making a difference today. SHIP programs and services would not be possible without the support of our incredible community of donors and volunteers.

Become A Volunteer

Reach out to us with the following information:

Full Name

Email Address

Cell Phone Number

Best time to reach you

Tell us how you would like to help SHIP (optional)

Call, Text, or Email to 949-575-9769 or

We will contact you within 48 hours!

Click below to learn how you can get involved and make a difference today!


A PA works with one guest at a time to establish a relationship of support and encouragement. PA’s reinforce agreed to actions by guests toward employment, permanent housing, and self-sufficiency. This may mean securing proper identification, establishing a bank account, clearing a deficient credit history, or fines. A PA commits to meet with his or her assigned guest at the host community on a weekly basis throughout the guest’s stay in the program. Typically, these meetings occur on Tuesday nights after dinner, but other arrangements can be made. Training and resources are available as well as a strong team of experienced PA’s.

A PA works with one guest at a time to establish a one-on-one relationship and walk a diplomatic tightrope. On the one hand, a PA works to motivate and reinforce actions toward employment, permanent housing, and self-sufficiency. On the other, a PA must be careful to guide guests and never do for them what they can and should do for themselves.


The host community provides vital resources, fellowship, and volunteers to serve SHIP. Most communities provide nutritious meals to guests and the house manager for two-week periods once or twice per year. Tuesday evenings are special for the attendance of Personal Advisors (PA’s) to meet with their guest, and we try to show our gratitude to them by inviting them to join in sharing the meal and fellowship.

The host community coordinator is the liaison between the community and the program coordinators. This coordinator helps with scheduling meals, recruits volunteers for meals, donations, and supplies, as well as supervisors for weeknights and weekends if needed. We are also on the lookout for potential PA’s. Coordinators meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month wherever SHIP is docked.


Participating Communities

Fountain Valley

Beachpoint Church Map

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Map

Garden Grove

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Map

Garden Grove United Methodist Church Map [[[is this the correct church?]]]

Waymaker Church (formerly GG Friends Church) Map (as of Feb 20)

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Map

St. Olaf's Lutheran Church Map

Huntington Beach

Community United Methodist Church Map

Pacific Institute [[[I cannot find this???]]]

St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Map

Sts. Simon & Jude Catholic Church Map

St. Wilfrid Of York Episcopal Church Map

Los Alamitos

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Map

St. Hedwig Catholic Church Map

Mission Viejo

Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church Map


We provide an online calendar to coordinate meals. Host community coordinators may use this tool to organize their meal volunteers, or individuals may sign up directly to provide a single meal. Most evenings, we expect nine adults for dinner except Tuesday nights when PA’s come to meet with guests, so there can be an additional eight people to plan for dinner.

No dinners are needed on the fourth Tuesday when we have our all-hands-on-deck potluck and meeting for PA’s and host community coordinators. This evening usually takes on an extra special meaning when we celebrate a guest’s graduation by successfully completing this four-month program. If you are not part of a host community and would like to bring a meal to the SHIP house, please use this link to sign up.


Volunteers are needed to monitor the website, email, and social media accounts. Photographers and videographers are also welcome to help with SHIP’s effort to communicate with the community. Also, if you like to write informative emails to supporters periodically, then helping with communications is a job for you!


SHIP relies on donations from host communities and individuals. These donations cover the costs of rent, utilities, bus passes, gas cards, and identification fees. In-kind donations of cleaning supplies, clothes, toiletries, paper products, and furniture to run the house. Ideas and implementation of fundraising opportunities are always welcome.


SHIP maintains a small inventory of clothing, toiletries, pantry, and household supplies. The Organizer keeps order with this inventory and knows when it is time to request supplies from the supporters. This commitment takes about four hours per month.


SHIP leases a vintage craftsman house located adjacent to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Garden Grove. As with any older house, repairs and maintenance are ongoing. Regardless of your skill set, you will not be turned away because there is always some minor issue that should be addressed.