For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
a stranger and you welcomed me…
Matthew 25:35
Put Your Faith Into Action
Sunday, November 5th To Friday, November 17th
SHIP is a volunteer, faith-based ecumenical program that strives to help employable, homeless adults get back on their feet. Multiple churches and faith traditions actively support SHIP. The program is designed for unhoused single adults to transition from homeless status to self-sufficiency with employment and permanent housing.
Holy Spirit parish has once again volunteered to provide meals for SHIP in March. This is a service the parish has volunteered for the past 10+ years. It is especially rewarding as a service opportunity for both students. Students typically say it was a positive experience that they highly recommend for their peers .
How You Can Help
There is a need for YOU to prepare a meal to serve 5-6 adults and deliver the food to the SHIP house.
On the day you volunteer:
Prepare a meal for 6 adults. Tip: Serve whatever you would make for dinner OR purchase & donate pre-made food.
Deliver meal to SHIP house at 6:15 pm.
You are welcomed and encouraged to stay for dinner and share lively conversation and fellowship. If you cannot stay for dinner, put food in a disposable container and simply drop it off.
Meal begins at 6:30 pm (sharp) with introductions and a blessing of gratitude.
The meal typically ends at approximately 7:00 pm.
Sign-up online at SignUpGenius to donate a Meal or serve as an overnight Chaperone.
Monetary Gift Donation via Paypal or Check are always welcomed. Click Here for info.
Overnight Chaperones Needed
Chaperones arrive by 6:30pm and spend the night in their own private bedroom with full bath.
Wake up about 6:00am and after guests leave, lock-up the house at 6:45am
For more information or questions, TXT, call or email:
SHIP House Severely Damaged In Fire on Sat, Aug 27 2022
Dear SHIP Supporters,
The Director and Personal Advisors of SHIP were devastated when we learned that the SHIP house was severely damaged by a fire which sent one firefighter to the hospital with burns. We were elated that Jim and Steven brought a delicious home-cooked dinner from a parishioner at St. Wilford's and that we could plan together in North Hall.
We found housing where six could stay at Motel 6 for several weeks. After that Beachpoint Church will host them for three weeks. Then in October there will be a desperate need for housing so that current guests can finish the program. Any ideas are welcome.
Despite the tears of seeing the back of our house in ruins, the guests really worked effectively as a team. A few lost all of their personal belongings, but they managed to smile as they made a quick emergency shop through Walmart to replace needed items they were unable to retrieve. They all want to graduate and be self-sufficient, productive members of society.
Most were at work when the house caught fire, and we hope that they will be able to finish the program so that their hard work does result in a better future. With your help and ideas we can navigate through this new situation, for it is strong people and God’s grace which provide at times like this. Please call with any ideas of how to house our six guests, and thank you for your continued support and ideas.
Best to all,
Jenny Braithwaite, Publicity
Sherrill Svalstad, Director
Self-Help Interfaith Program (SHIP) is an ecumenical venture composed of local faith communities that provide food, shelter, shower, and mentoring for up to 8 homeless single adults. Guests are carefully screened, must be employable and are provided up to four months residency to find employment, save money, and become self sufficient.
Guests reside in a craftsman house located adjacent to Our Redeemer Lutheran church in Garden Grove. Map
Keep us in your prayers and donations are especially welcomed. See Donation page for more info.
Who are we?
The SHIP program rotates amongst local faith communities in Garden Grove, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, and Los Alamitos. Although the majority of our volunteers are from local churches, there is no religious affiliation nor are there any religious requirements for our guests. However, this program evolved and revolves around the Church and our love and respect for God. Our host congregations value the program as a remarkable vehicle for community outreach.
The SHIP serves homeless individuals who are capable of obtaining permanent, full-time employment within 30 days. Guests are vetted and must be substance-free for at least 30 days prior to admission. Applicants with criminal records of violence, weapons, or abuse of minors are not accepted. Guests must also be capable of completing daily job search requirements, attend weekly counseling sessions in goal setting and conform to mandatory curfews and other rules designed to ensure safety and cooperation aboard the SHIP.
Guests share chores to maintain the facility. This is a highly structured, “tough love” program that is not appropriate for all individuals. Our goal is not to care for our guests, but to train them to care for themselves and to provide for them during their transition period to become self-sufficient.