2020 Logbook

Archive Specialist's Reports for 2020

New Year's Party

Event: Ship Meeting

Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2020, from 1830 EST to 1930 EST

Location: Online via Google Meets

Summary: For the last meeting of 2020, we had a party! The first activity was a game about the Rules of the Road. The Bosun made a What Would You Do? game (pictured here). The next activity was a knot relay. We finished the night with a game of war.

Guest Speaker from the Coast Guard

Event: Ship Meeting

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020, from 1830 EST to 2000 EST

Location: Online via Google Meets

Summary: Our Boatswain invited MST2 Shannon McGrory to our meeting. She was from the Coast Guard recruiting office in Boise, ID. The scouts got a chance to ask some questions. The Skipper also had a few. Thank you to Shannon McGory for visiting. After she left, we had a Quarterdeck Meeting.

Bridge of Honor

Event: Bridge of Honor Fall 2020

Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2020, from 1830 EST to 2000 EST

Location: VFW Post 316

Summary: We had our first Bridge of Honor! Since we are the founders of the ship, the Skipper awarded us with Plank Owner Certificates. Our Boatswain received his Apprentice Rank and his Sea Scout Marksmanship Award for Intermediate Rifle. He is the first in this unit to receive these awards. We also had our first Landship Ceremony. The script was a little much. So for next time, we will shorten it. We ended the night with our first Admission Ceremony.

Catfish Habitat Placement

Event: Conservation Project

Date: Friday, June 12 from 1500 to 1800 EDT

Location: Joseph A. Citta Scout Reservation At Brookville

Summary: We made five Catfish habitats for Citta's lake. The materials we used were blue watertight containers, concrete, and nails. The Boatswain spent an hour doing prep work the Monday before. He took the containers and got rid of the lids. Next, he drilled nails into the containers. Then he mixed and poured concrete into the containers. The nails were for holding the concrete while it set.

On Friday, the ship showed up to place the habitats. The scouts quickly got to work drilling holes in the top of the containers. This was to make sure that the containers had no air at the top when placed into the lake. Next, we headed to the boathouse. We found PFDs and oars for everyone. Then we got into three rowboats and placed the habitats.

Ship 2's Paper Regatta

Event: Paper Boat Regatta

Date: Monday, May 4, 2020, from 20:00 to 20:30 EDT

Location: This event took place online via zoom.

Summary: Each Scout made a boat out of paper, wood, glue, and duct tape. Before the meeting, each Scout filled a container with water. Then we all joined a zoom call. After the opening, the judges judge how each boat looked. We each placed our boats onto the water. We add weights little by little unit there were two boats left. There was a tie until someone fortified, giving us a winner.


Event: Introduction to Leadership Skills for the Ship

Dates: Friday to Sunday, April 24, 25, 26 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM EST.

Location: This training took place online via zoom.

Day One:

The lesson was about Ship Organization. This day was the most helpful. The day ended with a Ship 117 version brainstorming session.

Day Two:

The lesson was about Tools of the Trade. This was repetitive for the two scouts who attended.

Day Three:

The lesson was about Leadership and Teamwork. This day was also repetitive for the two scouts who attended. The day ended with a Ship 117 debriefing.

Harbor Logbook