
Our lab is challenging two main subjects. The first is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of protein translocator of gram-negative bacteria. Second is the invention of an efficient manipulating system of the gram-negative bacterial outer membrane protein assembly. Both projects are important to fight the multi antibiotic-resistant "super-bugs."

Our lab has expertise in biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, and cell biology of E.coli and yeast.


Ph.D student position: Available

Pos-Doc position: Space available but not enough budget.

Latest News

2022,June,28: Under graduate student Yuki Maruno won the best Poster research award at 21th century E. coli conference.

2022,June, 25: Update Lab member photo (ROSTER).

2020,May, 15: 🚨New Paper alert🚨 A new article was published in Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr.

2020,Feb,19~21: Dr. Shiota gave a talk at The 93rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology as a invited speaker.

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