Upcoming events

7/2, 13:15-14:45 : EuHEA@University of Economics and Business Vienna, on Sugawara and Aiura "Evaluation for decentralization and deregulation of Japanese long-term care policy"

9/2-5 Japan Joint Statistical Meeting@Tokyo University of Science, on Sugawara and Nakamura "Difference of reunion coresidence at parent's and child's homes"

9/7 : Japanese Health economic Association@Gakushuin University, on Sugawara and Aiura "Evaluation for decentralization and deregulation of Japanese long-term care policy"

Because of capacity constraint, I do not accept a graduate student whom I do not know beforehand. 

I do not reply for any inquiry regarding this topic.

CV.pdf(April 2024)

Mail: shinya_sugawara(at)rs.tus.ac.jp

Current position (From April, 2020)

Associate Professor, Department of Business Economics, School of Management, Tokyo University of Science 



Applied microeconomics, Econometrics, Bayesian Statistics, Health economics, Economics of care for older adults, 

Publications (English Journals)

Wende, D., Karmann, A. and Sugawara, S (2024) Does the Design of Welfare Programs Stipulate Nursing Home Utilization? A Comparative Analysis of Long-Term Care Systems in Japan and Germany, Review of Economics(Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften), V.75(1) pp.43-61

Closely-related working paper:  Karmann, A. and Sugawara, S. Comparing the German and Japanese nursing home sectors,    CEPIE Working Paper 02/22 

Shinya Sugawara, Tsunehiro Ishihara, Susumu Kunisawa, Etsu Goto and Yuichi Imanaka (2024) A panel vector autoregression analysis for the dynamics of medical and long-term care expenditures, Health Economics, V. 33(4), pp. 748-763 

Shinya Sugawara (2022)What composes desirable formal at-home elder care? An analysis for multiple service combinations, Japanese Economic Review, 73:373–402: Full results

Sugawara, S. and Nakamura, J. (2021) Long-term care at home and female work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Policy, Volume 125, Issue 7,  Pages 859-868, Awarded by Hodogaya Foundation: Distinguished Research on Gender Equality and Declining Birthrate, Best Paper  

Kenji Yamanishi, Tianyi Wu, Shinya Sugawara and Makoto Okada(2019) The decomposed normalized maximum likelihood code-length criterion for selecting hierarchical latent variable models,  Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 1017–1058

Shinya Sugawara, Tianyi Wu and Kenji Yamanishi (2018) A Basket Two-Part Model to Analyze Medical Expenditure on Interdependent Multiple Sectors, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, V. 27 (5),  pp. 1585-1600, 2018,  GitHub repository

Shinya Sugawara (2017), Firm-Driven Management of Longevity Risk: Analysis of Lump-Sum Forward Payments in the Japanese Nursing Home Market, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, V. 26(1), pp. 169–204

Shinya Sugawara and Yasuhiro Omori (2017), An Econometric Analysis of Insurance Markets with Separate Identification for Moral Hazard and Selection Problems, Computational Economics, V. 50(3), pp. 473-502.

Keita Kinjo and Shinya Sugawara(2016) Predicting Empirical Patterns in Viewing Japanese TV Dramas Using Case-Based Decision Theory, B.E.Journal of Theoretical Economics, V. 16(2): 679–709

Shinya Sugawara and Jiro Nakamura(2016) Gatekeeper incentives and demand inducement: An empirical analysis of care managers in the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance program, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, V.40, pp.1-16

Shinya Sugawara and Jiro Nakamura (2014), Can formal elderly care stimulate female labor supply? The Japanese experience, Journal of the Japanese and International Economiecs, V. 34, pp.98-115

Yasuyuki Sawada, Masahiro Shoji, Shinya Sugawara and Naoko Shinkai (2014),  The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Poverty Dynamics: The Case of an Irrigation Project in Sri Lanka, B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Topics), V. 14(3)

Zeynep Hansen, Hideo Owan, Jie Pan and Shinya Sugawara(2014), The Impact of Group Contract and Governance Structure on Performance-- Evidence from College Classroom, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, V. 30(3) pp.463-492

Shinya Sugawara and Yasuhiro Omori(2012) Duopoly in the Japanese airline market: Bayesian estimation for the entry game, Japanese Economic Review, 2012, V. 63(3), pp.310-332:  Link to dataset 

Publication (Proceedings)

Tianyi Wu, Shinya Sugawara and Kenji Yamanishi (2017) "Decomposed Normalized Maximum Likelihood Codelength Criterion for Selecting Hierarchical Latent Variable Models, " Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2017), pp.1165-1174,  Supplemental materials for this paper, GitHub repository, Introduction Movie (from Youtube) below

Working Papers 

Yasuhiko Saito, Shinya Sugawara, and Jiro Nakamura (2015) Long-term care-free life expectancy before and after the 2006 reform of the National Long-term Care Insurance: The case of Fukuoka City, Japan, NUPRI Working Paper 2015-01

Iizuka, T., Noguchi, H. and Sugawara, S. Pay-for-Performance and Selective Referral in Long-Term Care, SSRN Working Paper No. 2971560 

Fujishima, S., Hoshino, T. and Sugawara, S. Heterogeneous effects of place-based policies and a practical treatment assignment rule , SSRN Working Paper No. 3729897

---Previous version:  Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Place-based Policies: Which Cities Should be Targeted?," RIETI Discussion Paper April 2020 20-E-036

Works in Japanese

