babies & Bunkhouses

Doors Open 2023

We participated in Doors Open in 2022 with docent-led tours of the Shinn House.  Rancho Higuera was open in the morning and we were open in the afternoon. 

For Doors Open 2023, we created two exhibits "Baby Observations and a Chinese bunkhouse: What they tell us about life on the Shinn Ranch" or "Babies & Bunkhouses." There were six other Fremont sites open on Saturday and/or Sunday.

What is this baby running from? 

He’s not! 

He’s running TO the 

Babies and Bunkhouse exhibit at the Shinn House Museum




Two exhibits tell the stories of home life and of the ranch life of the Shinn Ranch 

One exhibit tells the day-to-day details of the Shinn family. These details creep into Milicent's observations, because they are part of the child's environment and are scientific observations. We learn about the family - grandma Lucy, Aunty Milicent, mother Florence, father Joseph, baby Joseph - as well as the people who work on the ranch - nurse, cook, and field workers. We learn about the house - walnut bannisters, books/bookshelves, coffee grinders. We learn about the grounds - tankhouse and the garden - roses, flowers, trees.

The other exhibit starts with a lone bunkhouse, the last bunkhouse of the Shinn Ranch China Camp, with a quince hedge in front of it. There is little written about it, so we have to search for details in ledgers and notes. We wondered: who lived here? what did they do? To answer that question, we had to search through the archives of Fremont to find who else lived here. The Chinese History Project created an exhibit "Chinese Roots: Sketches of Life in the Washington Township."