Useful Links / Library

Books, papers, theses, articles, blogs, online archives, and more!

Where to look

The Shinn family's archives are in many locations across the region, state, and country. 

Note also: Dr. Robert Fisher's collections are split up and in multiple archives. Researchers who wish to learn about the Shinn Family need to know that there are Shinn family items in multiple archives in Fremont -  the Fremont Main library in the Maurice Marks section, the Museum of Local History, and the Shinn Museum.

Scholarly Papers & Books

Copies available of some references in the Shinn Museum library.

In the media

Histories by Family & Friends 

Journal Articles of Interest

Josiah Royce Historian in Quest of Community Royce was Anna Head's brother-in-law. His sister lived in Newark. The Shinn archives have a picture of him visiting Milicent and Joe. He was a celebrated orator. He attended Cal. PhD from Johns Hopkins. Harvard.

Our Local online archives

California Revealed by the California State Library - Shinn House Museum

Lucy Shinn was the Shinn Museum's first Big House resident to go digital in 2022 on California Revealed on the Shinn House Museum page

In the 1870s Lucy wrote letters to her daughter, Milicent, while Milicent was in elementary school in Oakland and in college at the University of California, Berkeley. 

Having the letters added to California Revealed also includes the Shinn House Museum archives on the Internet Archive and eventually on Calisphere - all well respected and well used places for researchers.

The Internet Archive allows you to search within the Shinn House Museum records and is a favored way to access the letters by some researchers.

California Revealed by the California State Library - Washington Township Museum of Local History

The California Revealed Partner Institution page is here. Items on this California State Library project are also hosted on Calisphere and on the Internet Archive. If you want to search within the WTMOLH archives, it is best to use the Internet Archive project. For example, here is a search for Shinn that reveals many Shinn items held by the Museum.

Some of Our favorite online resources

Newspapers Online

This is more of a starting point than an all-in-one resource because so much has changed in the last nine years. It has some embedded scans of the newspapers, but not a functioning database of digitized newspaper content.

Sources of letters

Directories & Census records & Assessors maps

Souvenir Books

Histories of the Township and County


We wondered what the word "alien" or "heathen" meant back in 1880, for example. 


General Help




Elsewhere Maps

General Maps





Fruit Industry / Coopertives


It has been suggested that the Shinn House resembles this Palliser Design Plate IX from 1878 by Palliser, Palliser & Company

The house was built in 1876, but perhaps this design was available in 1875/6 in the paper or?

"The Pallisers published many books of architectural plans. The first was Model Homes for the People in 1876. Copies of the 23-page pattern book were sold for 25 cents a copy and "sent into every State and territory in the Union, and many to the provinces."  wikipedia

Researching the History of a House has many good suggestions including Victorian Pattern Books "Some of the major treatises from the period include Asher Benjamin, The American Builder’s Companion (1827) and The Architect, or Practical HousenCarpenter (1830); George Pallister, Model Homes for the People (1876); and Charles Eastlake, Hints on Household Taste (1867). Many of these publications are still available in facsimile editions. While there are only a limited number of houses in Lancaster whose designs were derived directly from pattern books, a review of this literature may give researchers clues about sources or inspiration for exterior or interior features on their own homes."

Daniel, author of Historic Buildings of Connecticut, has many of the old houses in Farmington and great links to resources.

What about this book Old Houses in Farmington; an Historical Address Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Village Company of Farmington, Conn., May 1, 1895? Any help? here?

"Rural Homes" in the PRP 1877

Russian River Flag 1881 advertising California Architect and Building Review. Palliser's Complete Instructive Details.

An interesting exhibit. The First American Architectural Books

Check out the window toppers

Russian River Flag, 8 Dec. 1881

An old docent manual mentioned that the Shinn House looked similar to this pattern House.

Pattern House IX in Stratford Connecticut


Presenting the History

Ethnic Studies Mandate for California

UCB History-Social Science Project 

MOCA Heros no 2 - Chinese Railroad Workers

Behind the Big House The Chinese workers were not slaves, but there may be some interesting ways to present this history.

Emigrating to California

Lucy and James met in Platteville Wisconsin. Lucy was a school teacher at Platteville Academy
