
研究会発表 (国内、国際、セミナー、招待講演含む)

[国際-21] SH, M. Kimura (Daiichi Tech.), M. Yamaguchi (IBS)

 ``BHs in effective field theory extension of GR with scalar" (Poster)

    30th Nov. - 2nd Dec., JGRG32, Nagoya University

[国内-30] 平野進一、木村匡志 (第一工科大)、初田泰之 (立教大学)、


    9/16-19、2023年日本物理学会秋季大会 、東北大学

[国内-29] [招待公演] 平野進一

    ``Scalar Gauss-Bonnet and dynamical Chern-Simons BHs in EFT extension of GR " 


[国内-28] 平野進一、木村匡志 (第一工科大)、山口昌英 (IBS)

    ``Scalar Gauss-Bonnet and dynamical Chern-Simons BHs in EFT extension of GR

    3/22-25、2023年日本物理学会春季大会  、online

[国内-27] [招待公演] 平野進一


    3/13-14Joint workshop  on general relativity and cosmology (JGRC) 奥多摩町福祉会館&山荘鉢の木

[国際-20] Shinichi Hirano,

   ``Scalar Gauss-Bonnet and dynamical Chern-Simons black holes in EFT extension of GR "

    6 - 9 February 2023 Winter-II NRF-JSPS Workshop in particle physics, cosmology, and gravitation, Ewha Womans University (Korea)


[国内-26] 平野進一,

   ``Scalar Gauss-Bonnet and dynamical Chern-Simons black holes in effective field theory of GR "

    12/28-30、第23回特異点研究会イールーム 名古屋駅前 A

[国際-19] Shinichi Hirano,

   ``EFT of LSS in MG and application to DHOST theories"

    12-17 December, 2022 Winter CAS-JSPS workshop in cosmology, gravity, and particle physics, CEICO (Czech)

[国際-18] Shinichi Hirano,

   ``Scalar Gauss-Bonnet and dynamical Chern-Simons black holes in effective field theory of GR "

    24-28 October, 31th workshop on general relativity and gravitation in Japan (JGRG31), RESCEU
