
"Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer." Psalm 4:1

Shiloh Prayer Line: Monday—Sunday; 7:30 a.m.

1- (267) 807-9605, Meeting ID: 865 9487 2463 Passcode: 463525850

PRAYER MINISTRY. GOOD MORNING! Hear Our Prayers, O Lord.... These are the words you will hear when you join the daily prayer conference call line at Shiloh Baptist Church each morning of the year beginning at 7:30 am. The Prayer Line Ministry has lifted petitions and names of loved ones, friends, family and the greater community to our Lord and Savior for intervention, comfort, and peace. Any individual who joins on the morning conference call is invited to lift a prayer if he/she desires, or just join in the number for the anointing that comes from being in the presence of God's people at work. We know that He hears our prayers and we know that He answers our prayers--on time. It brings joy to the group to hear a praise report on the Lord's work and His awesome power.

If you would like to participate in the ministry or submit a petition or prayer request, contact the Church Office, via telephone, mail and email. The prayer clerk is Reverend Gloria Brooks Hayes, who keeps an accounting of the group's activities. (Luke Chapter 18:1)