ETM's implication on Monsoon


Monsoon rainfall is considered to be the lifeline of India. It receives about 80% of its annual rainfall during the southwest monsoon season (June to September). Apart from its inter-annual variations, Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) also exhibits prominent variations at decadal to centennial time scales. Currently weather and climate predictions are made at different time scales. However, none of them are designed to provide a lookup of the climate a few years to a decade in advance. Prior knowledge on such variations, especially at decadal to multi-decadal time scales (e.g., 10 to 20 years ahead), would have a large bearing on long-term planning for food security, water resources, and economy of the country. Past and current studies suggests that source of decadal predictability mainly comes from the ocean and its interaction with the atmosphere on the decadal time scales. i.e. the low frequency natural climate variability (initial conditions). 

We identify one potential driver of the multi-decadal climate variability (DCV). In our study, we propose that the multi-decadal variability of monsoon is strongly tied with the multi-decadal periodicity in the seasonal (boreal winter-to-summer) El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) transition frequencies. Particulalry, the decades populated by frequent seasonal warmings experience suppressed monsoon rainfall.


   What is decadal climate predictions/variability?

ETM's implication on the seasonal transition of ENSO

Linear regression of normalized PC2 of SLP EOF2 against JJAS minus DJF mean meridional circulation (MMC). Unit is Kg/s. (b) Same as (a) but the global JJAS minus DJF rainfall (Units: mm/day). (c) Reconstructed ISMR (P’) using a simple multiple linear regression model where P’ = m1·F W +m2·F N +m 0 , where F W and F N represent the frequency of seasonal warming and seasonal neutral transition in a sliding window of 21 years, respectively. P is the original multidecadal ISMR (21 years running mean). Gray curve represents AMO index. Inset image shows the linear regression (mm/day) of normalized PC2 against rainfall anomalies at each grid point over India.

Association of ETM with the Global and the Indian Monsoon: