My research interest is representation theory of associative algebras, using homological, categorical and combinatorial methods. In particular, my research topics include tilting modules and lattice of torsion classes;  continuous representations and persistence theory; categorical methods in representation theory. 


Published articles:

(1) Van, Nguyen, Gordana Todorov, Shijie Zhu, Preprojective algebras of tree type quivers, Communications in Algebra, Volume 47, 2019, Issue 1, pp. 252-275.

(2) Van, Nguyen, Idun Reiten, Gordana Todorov, Shijie Zhu, Dominant dimension and tilting modules, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 292: 947-973, 2018.

(3) Emily Barnard, Andrew Carroll, Shijie Zhu, Minimal inclusions of torsion classes, Algebraic Combinatorics, 2(5), 879–901, 2019.

(4) Shijie Zhu, Functors and morphisms determined by subcategories, Applied Categorical Structure, 28(3),381-417, 2019.

(5) Emily Barnard, Gordana Todorov, Shijie Zhu, Dynamical combinatorics and torsion classes, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,  225(9), 879–901, 2021. 

(6) Job Rock, Shijie Zhu, Continuous Nakayama Representations,  Applied Categorical Structures, 31(44), 2023. preprint available: arXiv: 2207.03908

(7) Miodrag Iovanov, Emre Sen, Alexander SIstko, Shijie Zhu, Pointed Hopf algebras of discrete corepresentation type,  Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,  228(4), 2024.  preprint ar Xiv:2211.00507.

(8) Xiuhua Luo, Shijie Zhu, Separated monic correspondence of cotorsion pairs and semi-Gorenstein projective modules, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,  228(6), 2024. preprint  arXiv:2210.17231.

Prepreints and papers in progress:

(9) Emre Sen, Gordana Todorov, Shijie Zhu, Nakayama algebras which are defect invariant, in progress...

Recent talks:

Lectures on Monomorphism Categories (Download Note)

Auslander-Reiten sequences in monomorphism categories (Download Slides)

Interesting Links:


Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures