Picture was taken at Ocean Beach, 

San Francisco.

Shijie Zhu

I am currently  a  professor at School of Mathematics and Statistics Nantong University. (NTU)

I was studying at Shanghai JiaoTong University with  advisor Prof. Pu Zhang (MS) and Northeastern University with advisor Gordana Todorov( PhD). Before joining NTU,  I was a Visiting Assistant Professor at The University of Iowa.

Besides math, one of my hobby is playing the flute, mostly classical music. I am also interested in playing board games such as go (or baduk, weiqi).

New: I am organizing the NTU algebra seminar. We usually meet (online/f2f) every Friday 14:00-15:00. Please contact me if you are interested in giving a talk!

Contact Information:

Address: School of Mathematics and Statictics, Nantong University, 9 Seyuan Road, Nantong, Jiangsu, China, 226019.

Official website: https://sms.ntu.edu.cn/2024/0217/c8600a227727/page.htm

Email: shijiezhu@ntu.edu.cn (If you need immediate attention, please use this address); shijiezhu0011@gmail.com 

Research Interests:

Education & Working Experience:

Grants and fundings: