Shift Happens

This was originally a wiki on Wikispaces that provided background information and resources related to the Did You Know?/Shift Happens presentations (original, version 2.0, version 3.0, version 4.0, version 5), and provided a space for conversation. With the demise of Wikispaces, we've moved the content here as an archive and a resource. Some of the content - and many of the links - are likely to be outdated - but hopefully this will help you find what you need.


Because we are educators in the United States, our experiences and perspectives are going to be somewhat America-centric. However, we believe that the themes of Did You Know? are global in nature and apply to schools and children around the world. We want all children to be successful. We do not view the growing importance of India and China as negative but rather as additional opportunities for everyone in the world. We do not mean to gloss over the very real issues that countries such as India and China face, and we recognize that globalization and "flat world" factors have downsides just like other societal shifts. We prefer, however, to focus on the positive benefits and on doing what we can to help children learn and grow so that they may become successful digital, global citizens.

We'd like your help. Everyone must be involved in the conversation if we are to come up with a system of education for our children that prepares them for the 21st century. Click on the links on the left to get started and please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have comments, suggestions, or questions.

Many, many thanks to the folks at XPLANE who voluntarily donated their time and considerable expertise to make the new version of Did You Know? They were a joy to work with and we are very grateful for their assistance.

Karl Fisch, The Fischbowl,

Scott McLeod, Dangerously Irrelevant,,