Become a Member

We always welcome new members - some of our membership benefits are:

An Annual Barbeque in Summer

The Annual Dinner in Winter

The Newsletter which is circulated at least twice per year with a short version at Christmas

We monitor potential developments within the Valley and use our influence to ensure they are in the best interest of the valley

We look out for and inform members of any suspicious activities or crimes which have taken place in and around the Valley.

We also run working parties to improve the Valley environment, repair footpaths, improve drainage on muddy paths and clear litter from around the area.

We have also provided litter bins, footpath signage and seats at strategic points within the Valley

When joining the society please read our Privacy Policy and then complete a membership form and the Policy Consent form.

Please click the links below to open the forms [they will open in a separate window]

and our

Please return your membership form and Policy Consent Form to:

The Secretary, 33 Airedale Drive, Stone Chair, Halifax HX3 7NG or email a copy to:

Our subscription fees are:

Family & Couples - £5

Single Person - £4

OAP Couple - £4

OAP Single Person - £2

You can pay subscription fees in a number of ways:

Cash or Cheque - you can hand your payment to any member of the committee.

By Standing Order - Standing order form

Bank Transfer - please see our bank details below

Our Bank account details are:

Account Name - Shibden Valley Society

Sort Code - 20-35-84

Account Number: 10795569

Please use your surname as reference so we can track payments